Shut Eye

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Still don't have a name for this boi lol.

I'm sleep deprived now it's story time

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I'm sleep deprived now it's story time.

Guys I had the funniest dream last night. Like I was a female version of Deadpool, minus the messed up face an' all. But like no one knew I was a woman for some reason. At one point there was this guy who had tried to kill me and I knocked him out and threw him into his home and then decided to steal some of his  food (don't know why). In the middle of doing that he woke up and was about to attack me again when he noticed that I didn't have the mask on and was indeed a woman lol. He freaked out and was like "how the fuck did I not notice, holy shit I thought you were a man?!" And he started ranting and ranting and like low key complimenting dream me's skills all the while I was looking into the camera like in the office XD. I woke up giggling man, it was the funniest dream I've had in awhile lol.  That guy was such a dumbass oml.

Another thing, I may or may not have accidentally convinced my parents that I want a horse. Like of coarse I do, who doesn't? Do I think I'm responsible enough for one? Absolutely fucking not. I don't deserve a horse lol.
Hell I don't even know how this happened lol. Like after my last riding lesson we were talking about the new horse that I rode and I said half minded "I need a horse" and Robyn my riding instructor whole heartedly said "OMG you do! I can find you one." And I fuckin' panicked and went nonononono! Then I told my mom about that as like a funny story then she went my dad and said "Seneca wants a horse" and I went NO in my mind lol. I swear if one of these days I go to the barn and there's a horse waiting for me I will scream.
Stay tuned guys lol.

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