|| be prepared || Oikawa Tooru ||

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If you guys are looking for a good lgbtq+ book, i cannot stress how much i highly recommend the foxhole court trilogy or the all for the game series esp since its pride month hehe and if you genuinely like the sports shonen genre. i was slightly inspired by that for this oneshot and also when i was reading through the old comments i think it was in the law chapter. feel free to request again i think i only have a few requests to deal with hehe. \(○^ω^○)/

anyway, here it is.

(( also if u read the foxhole court and u can spot the reference i will love u ♡ ))


The sun sets bathing the world in an oppressive amber haze. You wish you hadn't looked up at the sky today. Because now it was tainted in your mind, he'd overwritten himself over the sunset you'd once enjoyed. You feel like vomitting, it all feels unreal.

Your legs buckle underneath you, the unforgiving ground breaking skin. You're almost numb to it but thankfully, the sting is there. You're grateful for the pain, it lessens the numbness that had overtaken you.

Gingerly, you lift your hands, so you can inspect the damage.


You bite back the scream that threatens tears at the hollow od your throat, begging to be heard. But you know it musn't, he musn't hear you.

Why can I see his hands?

"Long live the King," he said, that sick smile on his face as he brought down that weight on Kageyama's dominant hand. The first swing broke a bone, the painful crack of iron on his flesh punctuated by the break. The second swing had you seeing red, it was hard and brutal. You swore you could see the crushed bones in his hands. You could hear Kageyama's muffled screams, could hear Tooru's laughter as he struck and struck.

When he finally lets the weight go, it clatters to the ground with a disgusting spatter of blood.

"You should have known better than to go after what's mine. Look where your bravado's gotten you."

He laughs as he frees the younger boy, tossing a fresh roll of bandages right beside the weapon. There's no witty retort from Kageyama, he's nothing.

"Well, good talk, Tobio-chan. I'll see you around I guess, get home safe!"

The thought of it rings back in your mind, brutally clear, every single detail, shrieking, burning and engraving themselves into your mind. The nausea returns, with all the impact of a cyclone that sends your head spinning.  You want to curl up into the ground, bile rising in your throat.


Your eyes widen, this time you can't help it. You vomit. He's beside you in a second, all gentleness and kindness. Such a contradiction from the carnal violence he displayed that you were privy to. His hand ghosts the curve of your spine, you stiffen almost immediately.

"T-Tooru," you stutter, voice graffitied with fear. You don't know what you expect to see when you glance at him. You expect to see a monster, all death and malice with venom dripping down his maw.

It practically pains you to see it isn't so. His lips are as pink as a rosebud, his eyes like the sombre tint of an oak tree, stable, reliable. Tooru's fingers ghost the matrix of your cheek, his touch impossibly.gentle. You take a deep breath as he tenderly brushes your hair away from your face, brows knit in concern.

"What's wrong, _____?"

You flinch away from his touch, his crime flashes by in your mind again. His fingers wind around the tendrils of your hair, holding you with a sweetness you never knew he could have. Given the violence you'd seen he was capable of.

"You saw it didn't you," he asks, voice impossibly soft.

There it is. Fear flashes in your mind, filling your mind with the images that has inevitably imprinted themselves in your memory. His eyes shift, the dark of his irises swirl, turning it into a terrifying abyss.

"You saw me break him," Oikawa whispers, as sweet as the Devil. "Do I frighten you now?"

You try to turn away from him, try to get away but he's too strong for you. His grip on your cheek is bruising as he forces you to look back in his eyes. You fight, try tl push him away so you can escaoe with the shards of your sanity still intact. But he overpowers your nect move, reading you just as well as he reads his opponents on the other side of the net. Pain rockets up your side, as he pins you down, straddling you to keep you from fighting.

"I was jealous," Oikawa hisses, his breath a ghost kissing the shell of your ear, "he had everything and he dared to think that he could take you away from me."

"T-Tooru, I-"

His lips cut you off as he swallows your pleas with a hungry kiss. He kisses you with a passion you never knew he had in him. You blink, squirming in his touch and prompting him to pull away. He laughs as you struggle beneath him, his tone entirely devoid of mirth.

"You're mine," he seethes, leaning down again to plant a hickey against your neck. "No one will love you the way I do. I know you better than anyone else, you're mine just as I'm yours. No one else has what we have."

"P-please," you beg.

"I sure taught him a lesson, didn't I? I'm sorry I scared you," he says a little too kindly for your liking, he leans in to place an ironically gentle kiss on your cheek. "I just had to teach Tobio-chan a lesson in respecting his superiors and that he can't just take things as he pleases."

"You ruined him," you spit out, "you destroyed his future."

Oikawa looks at you as if you're a child incapable of comprehending his actions, his head tilts just the slightest bit as he regards you. "He confessed to you, knowing full well that we were together. I believe his exact words were, 'I don't care about him, I care about what I feel for you.'" His voice shifted into a mocking sing-song tone as he imitated Kageyama's voice.

"You're trash," you sob, "I can't believe I was foolish enough to love you."

"Sticks and stones may break my bo- oh that's a little crass, huh," Oikawa huffs, "no matter, I did it once and I'll do it again."

You barely catch the veiled threat. You have no idea that he's actually planning to make good on his threat. But that's a story for another time.

"I'll never let you go, _____."

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