Episode VIII

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She nodded slightly as the started to arrive the the plane. Cameras flashing, as she laid her head on his chest, waiting for further instruction to head out of the car and straight into the plane. Philip followed Elizabeth into the plane and sat down on one of the sofas. He looked through the window to the crowd. There were cameras flashing and people were shouting. There are loved. The moment Elizabeth laid her head on his chest was written into his mind. It was a moment he could only dream of all these days the lived beside each other.
Elizabeth put her bag down, taking her coat off, "Here we go, World tour, Here we come" she said, smiling. Elizabeth smiled and sat down as she plane took, and looked at Philip for a moment, then out the window, as the sun rose in the early morning. 'What's on the planning for today?' Philip asked. While he looked out of the window and saw the sun rise. Elizabeth spoke up, "Nothing exactly today, we'll be getting there at midnight, so tomorrow at 9:30 am we'll head over to the speech platform and we'll start at 9:45. Right after that, we'll head to Bermuda" she said. Philip sighed. 'And what about our free time? When does that start?' Philip looked at Elizabeth and then looked back out of the window. "Darling, I don't think we really have time for that..she said, looking at him slightly for a few seconds. 'You promised it me.' Philip felt as he was been cheated. 'But alright then. Let's face it and make the best of it.' Quite angry Philip looked out of the window. "Look, I'm sorry, but we'll be out from 4am to 11 pm how would we get time for our selves?" She asked, confused on why he didn't understand. Philip tought for a second. 'I have no idea. But after 11 pm we have time for our selfs?' He said with a smirk. She rolled her eyes, "Stop it!" She smiled a little, looking out the window. The only thing Philip could do was smiling. "You always think like that, so wrongly.." she laughed a little, glancing at him. 'That's because of you. I can't resist you.' Philip explains his thoughts. "Oh..well I'll take that as a complement, thank you" she smiled, facing him. Philip looked around him and moved towards Elizabeth. He leaned against the backrest and gave his wife a kiss on her neck. "Philip!" She said, turning to face him with a laughing smile. 'I'm sorry, darling.' He said when he moved back to his first place. "It's fine" she held his hand in hers, "Do you ever want anymore children?" She asked him. Philip was alarmed. He looked at her if she was crazy. 'Do you want anymore childeren?' He asked a little scared. He didn't know what do to. What his answer was on this question. "Kind of, Well..Yes" she said, looking out the window, trying to avoid eye contact. Philip was shocked. He always thought that two kids were enough. But while he was thinking about another little girl or boy playing in the garden, he got a smile on his face. 'Al right, love. If that's what you want. I can suit me.' He held her hand in his. She smiled, "Thank You.." she said, as she looked out the window and they started to land in Jamaica. They landed in Jamaica and the whole circus started again. Smiling, shaking hands, meeting the president. One thing Philip looked forward to was the speech on the speech platform. After that, he could give her some compliments and then it all looked like as they always had a happy marriage.

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