24. Home Again

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Mackenzie and I sit in the dressing room, on the bench. Brooke has her solo rehearsal, Maddie is in her advanced tap class, Nia and Paige are doing a jazz technique class, and Chloe is in advanced ballet class. Kenzie and I have acro class in fifteen minutes, but for now we get a chance to catch up.

Kenzie pouts. "Why did you leave? I was so mad at you last week."

I wince. Of course. I think somewhere in the middle of last week, the producers twisted the information to make it seem like I deliberately left the team and entered the duet against the ALDC.

"It didn't really go like that. We couldn't come to pyramid because there was so much snow, so Abby told us I couldn't dance with the team for that week. So I danced with my mom's studio. My mom saw me and the other girl- her name is Kendall, by the way- dancing together, and she entered the duet. It wasn't like that. And I wasn't supposed to be in the group. My mom put me in an hour before we went onstage." I explain.

She nods slowly. "Okay. I get it. Are we still friends?"

"Yes! Of course we are, Kenzie! You're my best friend. Ever."

She giggles. "Okay. You're my best friend, too."

We head to acro class early to start stretching. Kenzie is really flexible. She almost has her needle and has her oversplits already! When the class starts, it's obvious that she is the best one there. She has no problem using the tumble track and is already able to do a back tuck withot spotting. Because I'm new, and don't know as many skills, I get a lot of extra attention. Kenzie gets to work on the aerial silks, while I start learning how to do a side aerial.

By the end of the class, Kenzie has perfected her Arabian- front handspring- roundoff- front aerial- walkout combination. It's pretty awesome. She can tumble all the way across the room! On the other hand, I've managed to get my side aerial, but I only get it half the time. Sometimes I have to put my hand down.

After acro class, we rehearse the group number. It looks like Brooke's the lead again this week. Kind of surprising, since she got the lead last week, and Maddie's obviously Abby's favourite lead dancer.

Kenzie and I don't have much of a part in the dance. She pushes me on a swing set for most of the dance. When Abby learns that I can do my side aerial, she adds in a part where we both do our side aerials before going offstage. Considering I just learned how to do it half an hour ago, I find it pretty impressive that I only put my hand down twice out of ten practices. However, Abby doesn't agree.

"Vivi, you have to have that side aerial down before competition, or I'm cutting that part in the group and neither of you will do the aerial. I want you to practice the side aerial over and over and over until you can do it fifty times in a row without putting your hand down. Yes?"

"Yes, Miss Abby." I say. On the inside, I'm groaning. I'm already dizzy from doing ten side aerials. How on earth will I be able to do fifty in a row?

Chloe and Maddie's duet rehearsal is next. Kenzie has a private with Jennine, Brooke's rehearsing her solo alone in Studio D, Paige and Nia are in advanced acro class, so I watch Chloe and Maddie's duet rehearsal and play the music for them.

Abby grins at me. "Well, Vivi, you're on the music, but if you want your technique to improve, watch these two." Behind their backs, she points to Maddie and mouths, "This one".

"Yes, Miss Abby." I tell her. But the jab at Chloe annoys me. Chloe's a year older than Maddie, and honestly I think their technique is at a similar level. If I had to choose one I would have chosen Chloe. She has that graceful dancer's posture, and she's definitely more advanced at ballet than any kid her age at the studio. Maddie's more fluid, and is more emotional with her dancing.

I watch them. They dance perfectly in sync, like they had danced together forever. I'm so enraptured in their practice that when Abby shouts, I almost jump out of my skin.

"Chloe! Point that right foot! That was so ugly!"

I frown. Really? I didn't notice much. But Chloe nods and they restart the section. The dance is beyond beautiful. Gianna did amazing choreography, and the girls look beautiful. Abby brings out the costumes for them to rehearse in. They're gorgeous. Apparently, the girls wore them for a group dance before the show aired.

Abby notice my awed face. "See, Vivi, when you put in the hard work, you can do things like this. Who knows, maybe you and Mackenzie will follow in the footsteps of these two!"

I smile. If only I could dance as well as Maddie and Chloe. They're fantastic. The music is beautiful and the costumes flutter as they turn. Would it really be possible for me, one day, to dance like them? A girl can only dream.

But all dreams must end, and so does this rehearsal.

"Okay, work on this by yourselves. Chloe, you have to work on your flexibility, and Maddie, make sure you're spotting your turns. Aside from that... I think you can get Mackenzie and we can start on your duet!" She turns to me. "I hope you're ready. I'm expecting you to be able to dance just like Mackenzie."

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