Chapter 3 - A Minor Roadblock

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Feliciano slowly awoke as the sun shone through the windows, lighting up the room. He quickly sat up from the comfort of his bed as he smelt pasta coming from the kitchen. It may seem strange to eat pasta in the morning, but for the Vargas brothers, it was actually quite common.

"Morning Fratello!" he chimed as he sat down at the table. "Hey, Feli." Lovino grunted as he placed down two plates of pasta on the table. "Grazie Lovino! You're certainly in a good mood today, well at least a better mood than usual. Why is that?" Feliciano asked before he started stuffing his face with pasta.

"Oh, nothing really." Feliciano stopped eating for a second. He could hear the tone in the brother's voice, he sounded nervous but excited. "Oh c'mon Lovino! Tell me, tell me, tell me!" Lovino slammed his fork down on the table. "No!" Feliciano smirked, "Well then, it's only a fair draw if I get to eat all of your tomatoes for the week." Lovino's eye twitched, aggravated knowing that Feliciano would go through with it, he has done it before. Lovino sighed, shoulders slumping in defeat.

"Fine. But don't make a big deal out of it. Antonio and I earned enough money to buy a tomato farm and we are purchasing it today." Feliciano opened his eyes and started clapping like mad. "*Congratulazioni! Una fattoria di pomodori! Una fattoria di pomodori con Antonio!" Lovino whipped his arms out like a conductor silencing an orchestra. "*Stai Zitto Feliciano! Keep your damn voice down, I said don't make it such a big deal!"

Breakfast that day ended with a sore cheek for Feliciano and hug therapy for Lovino.

"Well, I'm off the work! Bye Lovino, have fun with Antonio." Feliciano said winking as closed the door behind him, but not before he heard Lovino yell "Feliciano, I swear to god~!" at him in the annoyed singsong voice. Y'know, the 'I'm warning you' kind of annoyed singsong tone.

Feliciano walked down the street to the café. When he got to the door he reached out of the handle but instead placed his hand on somebody's back. "V-Ve! I'm so sorry sir I didn't notice you there! Please forgive me." Feliciano heard a deep yet soft laughter, it sounded angelic to Feliciano. "Oh, it's alright Felciano. I was waiting here for you... Um, because I didn't know when the café opened and I needed some coffee for work." Feliciano opened his eyes in surprise. "Ludwig? Oh! Sure, come on in!" he quickly unlocked the door and walked in after Ludwig. "Let me guess, brewed coffee, no cream, milk or sugar?" he asked as he flicked on the lights and filled the kettle to boil the water.

"Uh, actually a bit of cream and sugar please." Ludwig said looking away from Feliciano's eyes. "Alright!" The phone started to ring as the water finished boiling. Somehow Feliciano grabbed the corded phone, casually talking as he poured the boiled water and coffee beans into the mug for Ludwig. "Hello?" Feliciano asked on the phone, automatically closing his eyes. "Oh yes, Maria? ..Oh okay sure! I can handle the café today. Okay, get better soon! Ciao!" Feliciano hung up the phone as he poured milk and sugar into the mug and stirred it carefully. He gently placed it in front of Ludwig, then pulled out the chair on the other side. "Mind if I sit here?" Ludwig looked up at Feliciano and he noticed that Feliciano's cheeks were a shaded with a soft tint of pink. "Sure. I don't mind."

Within that half hour after chatting with each other they learned quite a few things. Feliciano learned that Ludwig comes from a rather wealthy family, his hometown is Berlin, Germany, that he has three dogs and he has an older brother named Gilbert. What Ludwig learned about Feliciano is that he is quite the cat lover, eats pasta in the morning... for some reason, he already knew that Feliciano had an older brother but learned that his name was Lovino and that he doesn't have a lot of money. Ludwig wondered how someone with so little money could smile so vibrantly. Somewhere in the middle of the conversation, Feliciano seemed to have opened his eyes just a bit to study Ludwig. Ludwig pretended not to notice.

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