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First day of my sophomore year, and I already couldn't possibly hate this school anymore than I already did.  I was practically harassed in the parking lot, the breakfast they served here was half cold, and I couldn't find anyone that was actually worth talking to.  Where was Holly when I needed her?

I picked up the remnants of my french toast sticks and threw them in the trash as I walked out the door of the cafeteria.  Walking through the hallways was hell,  with all the slow walkers and people who aren't smart enough to shower and trying to find one specific person is nearly impossible when you are as short as I am.  

Finally after a horribly long search I found her.  "Holly!" I called hoping she would hear me through all the noise.  

She lifted her head and went back to staring at her phone.  I began maneuvering my way against the crowd or hormonal teens trying to get over by her.  Once out of the tangled web of students I want over and took Holly's phone out of her hands.

"Hey I was reading something!" She yelled over the noise.

"I called your name!  I've been looking for you all morning! Since when do you not go to breakfast I was hoping to see you there." I shouted back, though I had to repeat myself twice before she actually heard me properly.  I hate these hallways, they're so loud you'd think we were at a party and not at a school.  Though I suppose this is a high school, people tend to be a little loud and crazy.

"Sorry, I've been busy texting the girls about the new guy."

"Who's the new guy?" I asked dumbly.

She only laughed.  What is it wrong that I haven't seen him yet? Sorry I don't go paying attention to everyone at this school, that was her job not mine.  I prefer not to be social, I like hiding in the background while she does all the getting to know a person business.

"You'll meet him later at lunch.  I asked him to come sit with us." She finally replied.


"Hey Isolde what's your schedule?" Holly asked, and now it was my turn to laugh at her.  You see I'm in all senior or advanced placement (a.p.) classes.  There's no way me and her would have anything together but lunch and gym/health, and honestly I'm not sure how much I would want to be in health with her again after what happened last year.  They were showing us a video on STD's or something like that and she threw up all over her desk.  It was awful.

"Ok let me check," I said back.  Pulling out my schedule I scanned to see what classes we could possibly have together.  "Ok I have... Gym fourth hour and C lunch right after fifth hour, what do you have?"

"I have math fourth hour," she frowned, "and... Yes! We both have C lunch! At least now I know I'll see you at some point throughout the day."

We both started laughing and talked a little bit, she pulled out her phone and showed me that it was 7:18 class started in 2 minutes, and I had to get all the way to the math wing... on the other side of the school.  

I quickly said goodbye and took of running down the halls. I can't be late on my first day, that would give the teacher a bad impression of me.  My side was starting to hurt a bit as I ran a little faster seeing that it was now 7:19.  I made my way up the stairs to the second floor, nearly tripping on the last step, and continued running to my class.  

I thought I wasn't going to make it but the bell rang just as I passed through the door, completely out of breathe I walked over to the nearest empty desk.  While practically throwing my stuff on top I sat down, finally I could maybe start to breathe normally again.  My head hurt, my heart was racing, and I had a cramp in my side.  This is why I stopped running, because I'm lazy and I can't.  My body isn't used to anything but a nice leisurely walk. 

"Hey, are you like, in the right class? You look a little young to be in here." a voice said on my left.  I turned and looked over at some girl.  She was wearing a dress with her blond hair perfectly curled, I already didn't like her.

"This is Mr. Harris' calculus class right?" I asked back.

"Yeah... but you look a little, um, young to be in here.  You should probably go down to the office and see if they got your schedule mixed up or something." She smiled devilishly. "I highly doubt that you are really supposed to be in here.  Nobody but like, juniors and seniors can be in this class and you look like a freshmen."   She laughed and still continued.  "Besides I highly doubt that you would like, be able to keep up and stuff."

At that moment Mr. Harris decided to start class. "Okay everyone listen up for attendance, say here or something when I call your name."

"Samantha Aderson?"

"Here!" called a voice from the back of the room.

"Isolde Allmark?"

"Here." I replied meekly.  Mr. Harris cleared his throat and then continued with attendance until he got to the end of the list.  I must have zoned out because I missed more than half of what was going on.   By the time I came back to reality everyone was packing up their stuff and getting ready to go.  I hope I didn't miss anything too important, besides it's the first day they normally just go through expectations and stuff like that on the first day, I probably have nothing to worry about.


Somehow I managed to pass through my day with having nothing too extreme happen, yeah I got bitched at by that one girl in Calculus but other than that, there was nothing too exciting.  I got home before everyone else so I grabbed a box of pop tarts and rushed up to my room.  I locked the door turned on the tv, and began eating the chocolate fudge goodness of my snack.

 Out of nowhere a knock sounded on my door, I glanced at the clock 4:00, that's strange mom shouldn't be home until five and Jase never came home until dinner at six.  Jumping up off my bed I went over to the door and pulled it open.  Standing there was, Jase?!  Ok now this is weird.

"Um, hey Jase what's up?" I questioned.  Seriously he was never home this early.

"I was wondering if maybe uh you wanted to go out bowling with me this weekend... you could uh... bring Holly with.  Like me and a couple of guys are going so I just want to ask you to come with...  Just uh, be ready to go by six on saturday if you want to."  At that he walked away.  

This was not normal. Not normal at all, but I guess it should be fun, me and Holly haven't done anything in a while and  I never do anything with Jase.   Hmm I'll text Holly to see if she can go before I decide to.  

I pulled out my phone, and began a text Hey Holly do you want to go bowling this saturday? :) *send*.  

Not even a minute later I got the response Sure! :) but isn't saturday the one year...?

The one year for what?

Your Dad.

Oh god.. saturday was the one year.  Oh dad... how could I forget?  I should go though, dad wouldn't want me moping around the house on the one year he would want me to be out having fun instead.  I'm going to do this, I'm not going to spend the day being depressed I'm going to have fun Saturday, for dad.

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