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At some point I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up it was two a.m. and the house was dead silent.  I got up off of my bed and went to turn on the light.  My room, now brightly lit, I could see what a mess it was.  Clothes piled on the floor around the end of my bed, by my dresser, outside my bathroom door.  My bed was in complete disarray, my matching black comforter and sheets weren't fully on my bed, it was more or less on half and then the rest on the floor.  

Instead of procrasinating like I normally do I went down the laundry room grabbed a basket and started picking up all the clothes in my room, who cares if they might be clean they were on the floor and probably aren't.  After that was done I made my bed.  First by taking off all the blankets and pillows and fixing the sheets.  Then by putting on everything back on, just, neater than it had been before. Finally finished with cleaning, I looked at the clock. 2:25.  I still had three hours until I had to actually be up.  What can I do for three hours I thought to myself.  I glanced around my now clean room, taking in everything.  Guitar? No too loud.  T.V.? No there won't be any good shows on this late at night.  Tennis shoes by the end of my bed?  Well, I haven't gone out lately, so maybe a nice walk to get some exercise in, maybe try running.  Besides its night, if I have to stop and catch my breathe it won't be so embarrassing because there will be no one awake to see.

I quickly put on some shorts and a black t-shirt.  Took me a bit to find socks but finally I did, and then I put on my tenis shoes.  Going down our old stairs would be hard, they creak with every step you take and I don't want to wake anyone up.  Ever so slowly I tip toed my way down, be careful not to make any noise that might inform my mom of me leaving.  At the bottom I practically ran to the doorway and then outside.  

I began walking down our empty street, nothing too exciting.  Strangely though, for once I actually wanted to run, not because I was afraid of anything, I just felt the sudden need to run somewhere anywhere.  So I did, I let my legs carry me down the street and down a few more block.  My lungs burned a bit but I didn't stop, I didn't even know where I was going, but I was going and I felt, I don't know how to explain it... free I guess?

I was running for what felt like forever and then I stopped.  Seeing where I was I couldn't keep going.  Dad... I was standing outside the Elderwood Cemetery.  Without giving myself a moment to think I went inside, to dads grave.

Walking in a graveyard, alone, at night.  Probably not one of the smartest or safest decisions, but oh well.  Tramping through the mud and swerving my way through the cold rows of gray, white, red, and black gravestones,  I nearly tripped over a couple seeing as they were so small.  Finally though, I found it, way in the back oddly by all of the older graves was dads.  

I slowly sat down on the cold grass and just stared.  I miss him... so damn much.  I don't know how long I sat there, but after a while I suddenly felt like I was being watched.  "No no, I'm fine no ones here but me come on its like three am." I though to myself.  

All of my hopes of actually being alone were shattered as I heard somone or something leap down from the tree behind me.  I quickly jumped up and turned around, raising my fists in case I needed to fight.  

"Hey darling, don't be scared, we missed you at lunch today."  A tall dark haired boy stepped out from the shadows beneath the trees.  Who was he and what did he mean that he missed me at lunch.  I didn't go to lunch today... "Come here so we can talk, come on now don't be shy."

I started backing away but had to stop when my back hit a tree.  God that hurt.  Before I knew what was happening he was there holding me.  Not inappropriately just hugging me, and suprisingly enough I hugged him back.  I don't know why I did, but I just decided to trust the man who I thought was going to hurt me.

"Mmmm" he sighed and held me closer.  

Why did this feel so right, why did I feel so calm and comfortable when he was holding me.  No this can't be right.  I pushed him away and took a step back.  "Who are you?" I demanded.

"L...Lix" He replied.

"How do you know me? How did you know I was here?" 

"I don't know... I just.. I... I don't know." He looked upset like I had hurt him and suddenly I felt bad.

"Just tell me how you know me... and what you meant by 'we missed you at lunch today'" 

"Ok well, this morning I met this girl named Holly.  I don't really like her all that much but she seemed pretty nice.  She asked me to sit with you guys at lunch, and well she showed me a picture of you on her phone so I would know who you were... and then you didn't come to lunch.  Don't think I'm a stalker or anything because I'm not I didn't know you were here, but I just needed to find a place to clear my head... so I came here and sat in the tree and then you showed up."

"Oh." was all I said.

"Please don't leave me." He begged.

"I won't." I promised and I hugged him again.  Why? What is this boy doing to me...  I can't seem to think straight and god did he smell good.  I forced myself to let go of him, pulling out my phone I checked the time 3:45 a.m.  Still had an hour and a half before I had to be home, maybe I should leave though.  This boy was doing something to my mind and I didn't like it.

"I should go." I quietly murmered.  

"Could I walk you home?" He asked softly.

"I um... I don't know you should probably get home before your parents worry."

"Oh... yeah ok.  Will I see you at school?  I would really like to get to know you Isolde."  He looked at me hopefully.

"Well um yeah sure.  I guess we could get to know each other.  Just maybe you know not at like almost 4 a.m. and not in a graveyard, do you maybe want to eat lunch in the library together?"

"Yes!" he blushed at his own enthusiasm "I mean um, yeah sure that would be really cool."

"I guess I'll see you then." and with that I left.

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