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The police pounded at the front door.  Why were they here at this ungodly hour?  My god do they have to be so loud.  I buried my head under Lix's pillow and breathed in his calming scent.  I was hoping they'd go away but then my mom was at my door telling me that I needed to go downstairs. Oh fuck... what did I do?

I threw on pajama bottoms and one of the t-shirts I "stole" from Lix, I kind of just went in his closet picked out my favorite and told him I was keeping it.  I rushed down the stairs listening to them creak under my weight as I flew down.  At the front door stood two officers in navy blue button up shirts and matching pants.  Their badges shined in the early morning light. This was supposed to be a nice leisurely Saturday where I would be able to sleep in.  Not sit here terrified out of my mind wondering why there were policemen at my door.

"Hello mam, we need to ask you a few questions about your friend." The one on the left spoke.  His voice was deep, actually kind of dark in a way, but it definitely could not match the dark black of his hair or the deep brown of his eyes.

"Which friend?" I asked him slightly stunned.  What was going on? 

"Mam, are you aware that your friend Holly never went home last night? We just need to know the last time you saw her at, and if you knew where she was going, and who with if she was going somewhere." said the officer on the right.  This one looked a little more friendly, he had smiling blue eyes, and light brown hair.  

"N...No I don't know where she is.  Her mom called me last night asking but the last place I saw her was at lunch at school yesterday.  She never mentioned anything about going out anywhere with anyone so I wouldn't know if she did." at this point my eyes were tearing up a bit and my throat felt like it was filled with steal wool.  Holly....

The officer on the right gave me a sympathetic look and squeezed my arm in what was supposed to be a nice reassuring way but it only made me feel worse.  I should have paid more attention to where Holly was going after school, maybe then I wouldn't be so worried.  God where could she be. 

"Ok, mam thank you for the information.  We'll be in touch if we find anything new out." The one on the left said coldly.  I didn't like this man, there was something about him that didn't feel right.

They turned and started back towards their squad car.  Closing the door, I pressed my back against it and slid down to the floor.  Holly... My mom sat down next to me, putting her across my shoulders she whispered that it would all be ok.

I don't know how long we sat there for but after a while I got up and went back to my room, picking up my phone I called Lix, I needed  all the moral support that I could get.

Less than ten minutes later we were sitting side by side on my front porch swing, with his arm wrapped protectively around me.  "It'll be alright darling, they'll find her.." he trailed off for a second before continuing with, "No sweetie, we'll find her.  Go put your shoes on let's go."

"Go where?" I asked looking up into his beautiful blue/green/brown eyes.  They were the perfect mix of colors to make him look even that much more sexy, and they really stood out against his dark hair.  

"We're going to go look for her... see if we can find her.  See if she's ok." 

Hours later, we had searched almost everywhere that she would possibly be.  She wasn't at any of her other friends houses, not at the mall, the library, any of the small clothing stores, no where.  Lix decided to have us go look somewhere else.  Maybe more on the outskirts of town.  

We climbed into his car which I didn't even know was his until today, I always thought that it was his dad's or something, even though his parents are never home.  Lix's car was my dream car, a 68' Pontiac Firebird in cherry red with white leather interior.  Starting the car up he asked me where we should start.  I said that we should start on the back country roads, see if maybe her car broke down and she was stranded with no reception.

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