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I backed away from Lix, "A demon?" I scream, "Now's not the time for joking! This isn't funny now tell me what's really going on!". He looks me in the eyes and tries to take my hands, but I push his away, no matter how much it kills me to see the pained look on his face when I do.

"I'm not joking Isolde... I'm sorry for what I'm about to do..."

'Wha-" I began, but before I could finish his fist slammed into the site of my head, and everything went black.

Several hours later I woke up back in Lix's room, thinking that it must have been nothing but a bad dream.  Just a stupid nightmare.  The lights came on and then Lix walked in, how could he then the lights on if he wasn't in the room yet?

"Isolde," he does and stared at me from the doorway, "I'm sorry..."

I held my arm out towards him and mumbled "Snuggles?" within seconds he was there holding me, and pulling me down to lay with him.  I loved him, human him, not the scary guy from my dream.

Lix pulled away, sat up and whispered "That wasn't a dream.  I'm sorry Isolde... I'm sorry.  I didn't want to tell you."

"So you're really a...?" I asked, being careful not to let him see or hear how scared I was. 

"Yes." he said looking down. 

I reached over and place my hand on his chest "Okay." I said.  he looked up with tears in his eyes and I knew it didn't matter that he was, he still loved me, he was still my Lix.  "I still love you the same. Nothing could ever make me love you less." I whisper.

He pulled me close to him and held me, I cried, and I think he did too.  We layed down and he told me everything about what he was...

Seventeen years ago he was born to the parents, Sorath and Lilith.  Both were very well know names, just not in our world.  The were rulers of some other demon magic type world call Dusiol, so it's kind of funny because I guess that makes Lix a prince.  The King and Queen weren't as ruthless as the ones before them so they were pretty well liked or so he thinks,  and they were the first couple of different species, Sorath was a full blooded demon and Lilith was born and raised as a vampire.  Due to some complications, Lilith died after giving birth.  Sorath never wanted a son, but decided he would keep Lix for his mothers sake, until he was told that Lix's powers would go to be greater than any others because of what he was.  So he sent Lix to the mortal world hoping he would die.  Which is obviously not the case.

"Wow..." was all I could say after he explained it all.  My boyfriend is part demon and part vampire, just wow.

"You hate me now don't you." he mutters quietly.  

"No," I say, "I just want to know what this has to do with me."  

"My dad, well I was engaged, not by my choice it was to some girl I had never met, my dad arranged it about a year ago, it was his way of welcoming me back to the family.  I said no, they both flipped and I've been hiding out here hoping he wouldn't find me, but I guess he found me through you... I'm so sorry Isolde I shouldn't have dragged you into all of this."

"You were engaged?" I couldn't believe that he was engaged.  What if he really had met this girl what if he just used her or something... oh my god...

"Yes... but I broke it off I didn't want to marry some girl that I didn't even know just because she had the same powers as me."  

"Wow... just wow..."  I need a moment to think, I was so confused.  My boyfriend wasn't human.

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