Save Me...

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Taehyung's POV

I had baggy dirty ripped closes and my tail and ear exposed in the sun. As much as I was in pain I showed a smile once seeing the playground I loved playing with. Running I passed by three boys, but in a hurry to the sandbox I just smiled to them quickly jumping into the soft sand rubbing myself against it giggling and what not.

"What a disgusting lab experiment!" A boy in a red shirt spat out to his friends saying to loud enough for me to hear him. I sighed and tried to ignore them but they didn't stop there.

"I know, he probably was a mistake!" One of his friends replied, wearing backwards hat.

I was on the sandbox having my tail sail in the soft dry sand as I looked down only peaking a look at the bullies. They wore smug looks on their faces and quickly to disgust when the notice me looking at them.

"Ew! Gross it's looking at me!" The one with a bandaid on it's nose shielded his eyes as if I was Medusa. The laughed and I felt my temper heat up.

"Look at it's tail." The cappy, the boy with the hat is what I call him, laughed. "He's angry~"

"Hey!" I stood up done taking the heat lightly. "You gwot soom thang to say say eet to moi fwace!" I tried to say, but they just laughed at my failure.

"Wow! Speak any better?" Red shirt said. "A baby can talk better than you!" He walked up to me grabbing my ear and squeezing it tight. 

"S-stob! Stob!" I cried trying to make him let go but failing to have the grip even tighter than before. I cried and winced in pain while the other grabbed my tail pulling it. I tried fighting back but it was three big kids against me, a 6 year old boy.

"Shut up! We don't need weird little shits fucking up our homes!" The red shirt said breaking my tail. I cried off loudly hoping someone would helo me but all the people who saw looked away and acted as if this was normal. The green shirt grabbed a chunk of my hair as I hissed, lifting me up he bashed my skull into the ground as I just saw blood drip and my head feeling like hell.

" me..." I cried feeling as if they'd be the ones to while my smile of the face of the Earth. My vision was fuzzy and my eyes blurred feeling like I was spinning a million times.

Save me...

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