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Instead of getting naengmyeon like they wanted to, they decided to burn their mouths out with the spiciest noodles in Korea. They sat down to get their order and the little kitten rested his chin on back of his hands, with a smug face plastered on his face. He was confident he could win this! He does eat lots of spice food all this life.
"Hey!" Yoongi have him a meat bun but secretly put hot sauce in it to prank Taehyung.

"Wot's dis..." The hybrid sulked. "I'm not hungry...not without my Kookie! I want tuna sandwich..." He whimpered holding the ring that his Kookie gave him. It was almost a year after Jungkook left him and all he ate was Tuna sandwiches because it reminded him of the boy he lost...he bawled his eyes out till they were puffy and red amd his throat was dry and hoarse.

"Okay I'll be back!" The little Yoongi went back to the kitchen to make him a tuna sandwich. "You wanna tuna sandwich? Well this tuna's is no regular tuna! It's spicy tuna!" The younger version of Yoongi mumbled to himself. " this-" Yoongi was filled with giggles. He thought pranking Taehyung would make him feel better get his mind of the boy that he longed for.

"Ooh! Yay! Maybe he'll wanna play with me now! And with all the toys you go me!" He raised his arms in the air excitedly. "Because YoonYoon-Hyungie is the best!"

That made the boy blush. "Well...y-yeah...I know...tell me something I don't!" Yoongi said with a confidence boost.

"'re really cute Hyungie!" Jimim responded.

The boy blushed even more. "oh uhh...come on let's go..." He said his face red like a tomato. They went to the depressed boy who laid himself om the floor looking so miserable.

"Here you go Taehyung!" Yoongi tried to cheer him up. "It's special tuna!" He giggled along with goldy locks(Jimin).

"Okie..." He mumbled. He smelt the strong eroma of the spiciness of the tuna and scrunched his nose he ignored it thinking it was brcause itnwas special. He took a big bite not eating for awhile. He tasted spicy for the first time and his mouth burned crazily he panted begging for water jumping everywhere. Luckily Jimin prepared a glass of milk for the boy knowing he would want something to numb the pain. He chugged the milk, Yoongi and Jimin exchanged a glace and looked worry apon the boy.

"Are you okay Tae?" Yoongi worrying asked. He look at them with eyes of curiousity, excitement, a expression they haven't seen ever since Jungkook left,

"Th-that...wAS AMAZING! I NEVER TASTED ANYTHING LIKE THAT!" He hopped like a little bunny. "It there other foods like that? I've only tried PB and J and tuna, oh ice cream too!"

"You like it??" Yoongi questionable asked.

"Yes, yes, yes!!" The kitten hybrid responded. "Let's try more food! What other kinda flavors do they have??"

Jimin and Yoongi where so happy they achieved something they thought they couldn't ever see again. The happy joyful little Taehyung. After that food was like Taehyung's best friend, a coping thing that he would never get tired of! He especially adored spicy food and sweets the most.

Taehyung stood there and twisted the ring on his finger biting his lip reminiscing on the memories he had when he was younger.

A waiter came for them to order. "Hello! What will you like sirs?" She smiled politely.

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