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Near groans softly as he steps out of bed. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes, and checks the time. He decides to head down to breakfast as he normally does.

He runs a quick hand through his white hair, as he steps through the door, and ambles down to the dinner hall.

Various thoughts crosses his mind. Why doesn't Mello like me? was a big one. Near normally never thinks of the blonde, but after what had happened the night before, he can't seem to stop pondering this question. What have I done to him, anyway?

The boy finally reaches the dining hall, now filled with a wide range of children. He steps in, and gets in line for food.

He ordered, and alas escapes the crowd. When he spotted an unoccupied table, he walked towards it and his shoulder bumps into something. No, more like someone.

His heart stops when he turns his head to see Mello. His shirt is practically painted with the soup that Near ordered. Even a little got onto the blonde's face.

Next thing he knew, Near was hanging up in the air, now dangling from his collar in which Mello was grabbing. Near tries to escape from the boy's angry grasp, but Mello has a firm grip.

"Now you'll be repaying your debt," he angrily breaths at me. Repaying my debt?

He slams Near to the hardwood floor, and his face burns with fresh pain. His cheek stings, and he feels almost dizzy from the impact.

Mello looks down at the boy. Before more children saw what was happening, he had to hurt Near as much as possible- as much as he had hurt Mello.

Near then feels a slam on his head- then another one on his back. Mello kicks the boy, kick after kick after kick.

Near finally let out a soft groan, which he had never done before in public. The pain was just to much to bear.

Finally, Mello finishes the boy off by spitting on his face. Slimy spit runs down Near's cheek, and he brushes is off with his good arm. Mello leaves now, before the head of the Wammy's House came.

Near feels blood trickle down his chin from the inside of his mouth. Mello had certainly harmed Near in the past, but he had never gone this far.

Finally, Rodger comes into the scene. He spots Near, and gasps. He immediately knows who did this, but first must help the boy. Near is lifted up over the man's shoulder, and is taken away. He closes his eyes- it's all over at last. How could Mello do that to me?

Near's musings pause. But he'll be in big trouble when Rodger gets to him. I guess he'll pay his dues at that time.

Near didn't particularly want Mello to get in trouble, but he knew that he couldn't just let this pass.

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