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Near walks down yet another corridor to find Mello. Where could he be hiding? Rodger was looking for the boy as well, and he ordered him to check the whole Wammy's House. Near scopes the dining hall to his left, and walks another hall. I've checked everywhere..

He catches his breath as he takes a seat against the wall. Mello was always a bug hassle, at least to Near.

His gaze drops to the window across from him. He stands up once again, gaining a better view of outside. Is that.. Mello? A blonde silhouette leans sits down on the grassy earth, leaning against a tree.

Near quietly sighs. Why is he always the one that has to find Mello? He paces to the main exit of the Wammy's House. When he steps out into the warm atmosphere, he walks towards the boy. A sunset shines in the distance, forcing Near to squint his eyes in order to see properly.

When Near approaches Mello, the boy growls and looks up. "Why are you here?" he asks rudely. His eyes drift to the albino's bruises scattered across his face. When he sees how much damage he has inflicted, he smirks.

"Rodger wants you," Near replies smoothly.

A frown meets Mello's lips. "Well I'm not coming inside," he says firmly.

Near sighs, and stares hardly at the boy. "You're being too stubborn." He then points to a large gash on his cheek. "After all, you did attack me."

Mello averts his head. "I don't care, you deserved it."

"And what have I ever done to you?" Near asks in a monotoned voice. "Sometimes it's as if you hate me for no reason." He draws his hand to his white hair, and whirls it around his finger. "I know on the personal exterior, you really couldn't hate me even more. But on the professional, you have a great admiration for me."

Mello stops and stares at Near, eyes shining with pure hatred and fury. "Admiration?" he repeats, disgusted.

"Yes. I've come to that conclusion."

Mello's hands form fists, but he restrains from hitting Near again. That'd cause even more trouble. Mello rubs his throbbing temple. "Get away from me. I've had enough of you, Near!" His voice gradually raises.

"You-" Near is interrupted by an infuriated voice.

"No! I can't stand that stupid girly voice of yours either! Maybe if you'd stop talking for the rest of your life I might like you," he spits harshly. "I can't stand being number two all the time! The only person here that gets to feel the pride of being number one is you! How about you stop being so greedy and think about others for once?!" he yells.

To Near's surprise, tears begin to form in the eyes of the angry blonde. Near has never seen Mello cry before. In fact, he had never expected the boy to cry in public in his life- it was so unlike him.

Near gapes in shock. "Uh.. Mello?"

He angrily wipes the wetness from his eyes. "I'm sick of this institution, and most of all, I'm sick of YOU!" He screams at Near.

By now, Rodger has heard the commotion and is by Mello's side. "Mello... you need to go inside. It's getting dark, and you're making a scene."

Mello glares at the man, and storms off back into the Wammy's House. He had nowhere else to go, anyway.

Near sighs. "If there was an art to being dramatic, I'd say that Mello has mastered it," he says in a quiet voice.

Rodger chuckles under his breath, and sets a hand on Near. "I think you should go inside too," he tells the boy. "It's getting cold, and I don't want you to get sick."

The albino nods, enters the Wammy's House, and makes his way to his room. When Near settles on his bed, the image of Mello with tears in his head burns inside his mind. Did he really hate Near that much? The boy knew Mello was emotional, but never in his life did Near expect Mello to cry in front of him.

He slumps further into his bed. It wasn't Near's fault he was so smart, after all, did Mello expect him to just slack off and give up his average? Just for a boy that hated him? Of course not. But that could always be a possibility, just to have Mello stop hating him for once.

My Angel: MelloxNearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें