A Parting?

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Mello sits, alone for once in his room, yearning for somebody to talk to. When on earth did he, Mello, ever need attention? This perplexes him more then anything.

Mello flops onto his barren bed, sighing heavily. His face is buried into his pillows, almost enough to muffle his needy complaints. "So bored!" Five minutes later: "Uugh!" More minutes later: "Now I'm beginning to wish sheepface was here.. This is sad."

It was the truth. In secret, Mello had enjoyed spending time with Near. In fact, he had liked it a lot. Of course he'd never admit it though.

He turns over, oblivious to the shift in weight at the edge of the bed. "I miss you, sheepface.." Near sits beside Mello, offering the most weirded of all expressions. He had never expected that from Mello. He only sits there, indecisive of whether he should even let the teen know he was there. He could imagine how embarrassing that'd be. He gives in.


"Near?! What are you doing here?" Mello spits almost immediately afterwords. His eyes are wide, both shocked and thankful to see Near again.

"How could you miss me? It has only been half a day." Near raises a brow, genuinely curious to see why Mello had missed him. "And I thought you hated me," he added. Mello was silent, showing almost no signs of answering.

"Um.. I was talking about someone else."

"Oh? Who is that?" Now Near was almost completely convinced the blonde was lying.

"..... Uh.. Well.. Sheepface is.." he looks around, remembering a stuffed animal he had secretly took from Near to use as a bargain chip. As his feelings progressed towards the boy, he for once felt guilty. Why hadn't he returned it? He actually forgot about it; he threw it somewhere in his closet. Thinking of it, that stuffed animal was a perfect excuse!

"Sheepface is.." he rushes towards the cluttered closet, sweating in the slightest. He digs through all the piles of random objects, finally pulling out a snow white stuffed sheep. "My stuffed animal!" He grins nervously, and pretends to look embarrassed. "I.. Didn't really want you to know I have stuffed animal. I guess the truth is out, ri-"

"What are you doing with Thunder?"


"Give that here!" Near rushes over, snatching the little stuffed animal from the teen. "A putrid excuse," he mutters as he brushes off the dust from the sheep's pale, fluffy pelt.

"Uh.. yeah, it kinda was." Mello laughs in the slightest, averting his gaze.

After a moment of silence.. "And you don't have to lie about wanting to see me."

"What?! I didn't want to-"

Near gives Mello a hard and unbelieving stare. "It was obvious." After he sees Mello look down on embarrassment, (when wasn't he right about everything?) he finally says:

"Besides, I was coming in here to hand out with you anyway."

Mello peers up with surprised blue eyes, unexpecting of hearing that from Near.

"But it's getting late," he points out when he notices the dark sky. "It should be time for bed very soon. Perhaps if you weren't too busy stealing my toys, we could've had to go to go out somewhere."


"Maybe tomorrow." Near exits the room without looking back. Mello pauses for a bit. Did that just happen? He almost didn't believe it, it was too good to be true! He could even take Near out in town, secretly fantasizing about it owning the title of a date. The rest of the night was thrown away simply by these dreams.

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