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How about you stop being so greedy and think about others for once?!
These words echo in Near's mind. Since when has he been greedy? Near fastens the last piece of the puzzle laid in front of him into place. He can't expect to get everything he wants.
There were a few things Mello has called the boy that were at most somewhat true (monotone freak, albino sheep, robot, etc), but the word "greedy," to Near, was a aimlessly thrown insult.
Near stares at the completed puzzle. Mello was the one who was "greedy." The boy picks up the puzzle and sets it in the large closet full of other toys and games.
Near simply couldn't stand being bullied and shunned by Mello. Near brushed away the thought. It's not like hoping that Mello would accept him would do anything.
A knock then came from the other side of the door. "Near, it's Rodger. We're going to my office again." The man pauses. "With Mello, by the way."
Near sighs, wondering what stunt the blonde would pull this time. "I'm coming," Near says smoothly.
The boys picks himself up, and meets Rodger outside his door. "He is waiting for us right now, so let's try to hurry." Near reluctantly nods.
When the two arrive in the man's office, Rodger shuts the door behind him. Near spots Mello in front of Rodger's desk, facing away from them.
The man takes a seat in front of the two chairs. Near seats himself as well, and smiles at Mello.
"Don't play that stupid game with me," he growls. Near laughs mentally, and focuses attention to Rodger.
"It seems like no matter how hard you try, you two can't get along," he says, sighing. "So I'm giving you both an assignment."
Near cocks his head. "Sir, how will that help us though?"
"You two will have to work on it together," he tells the boy.
Mello hears this, and wears a face of both shock and disgust. "You can't make me work with him!"
Rodger glares at Mello. "Yes I can. And you two will be working together, or you will both get an F for the assignment." The man chuckles. "And I've made this assignment worth as many points as a test. And if Near has any more bruises than he does now, you'll also get an F."
Near frowns. Mello had better not ruin this; if he bailed on the assignment or beats him up again, Near's gpa will drop. By a lot.
"Okay," Near says. "I'll work with Mello."
The boy at his side frowns, obviously disappointed. "If I absolutely have to. I don't want the F," Mello mutters.
"Good!" Rodger grins in delight. "Then that means you'll be getting the assignment tomorrow. And remember, you'll both have to work together," he reminds them.
"Fine by me," Near says quietly. "And are we excused?"
"Yes," Rodger replies, then pauses. "Wait!" He stops the two boys from leaving the office. "I forgot to mention, both of you two will be sharing the same room until you solve the case."
Mello's eyes clearly show his disbelief. He gapes with a loss of words. "Do you expect me to share a room with him?"
Rodger nods, obviously finding some amusement in this scenario. "If you have a problem with that, Mello, then solve the case as soon as possible."
Now I'll have to share a rom with him?Rodger is taking this too far.. Who knows how much more of this Mello could take? He can't even stand the thought of working on an assignment with me.
Near makes his way out the door, and into his bedroom across the Wammy's House while avoiding eye contact with Mello. He'll have to treasure this night- it will be the last time sleeping alone in his own room for a long time.

Hey everyone. So I just wanted to know what you think of the book so far.. If you have any suggestions for the book, I'll add it if it's good. ~DarkAdeene

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