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In the morning, I was cold to him. What else was there to do? I couldn't pretend. He couldn't pretend to be in love, and I can't pretend to be happy.

"What's wrong?" Jim asked, feigning concern.

He doesn't care. "Nothing," I spat. "Just go to fucking work, Harperdale. And come home early."

There was pain in his eyes. "Westerwood," he quietly corrected. "My last name's Westerwood."

"That last name doesn't belong to liars," I hissed, and then stomped out of the house.

Work was terrible. Well, I made it terrible. All of my coworkers could sense that I was feeling extremely upset. My boss even came over and told me to go home early.

Fine. I understand when I'm not needed. Who needs me anyway? Certainly not my fucking husband. He'll find someone else in two seconds.

I drove back home and hummed to myself. Although I told him to come home early, Jim probably wouldn't be back for another two hours. Should I try to calm down a little?

I enter our house. It doesn't feel like our house anymore. It feels like a house I share with a roommate or something.

I sigh and go to the living room. I wanted to just sit down and watch TV while I wait, but that wasn't an option.

Jim was sitting down on the sofa, biting his nails. He looked up at me. "Oh, Derek. You're back!" he said softly. "We should talk."

I sat down next to him and didn't stall. "I know about her. Rosaline. That girl you're cheating on me with."

Jim's face paled, but I knew he couldn't deny this. I know you may think those text messages weren't enough, but I know deep down that it was true. He did cheat on me. "You don't know the whole story," he stammered.

"What else can you possibly say?" I scowled and began mocking him. "'Oh Derek, she accidentally fell onto my dick, and we accidentally kept going. And I accidentally snuck around behind your back! It was all an accident!" I turned away from him, feeling tears build up in my eyes again. I wouldn't let him see me cry.

"Derek," he whispered, and the pain in his voice almost made me hesitate. Almost.

"Just go away," I sobbed. "I always knew this was too good to be true, and you've just proved it."

And so, I stood up and ran out to my car. I started driving away while watching raindrops fall onto my windshield.

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