Miss Missing You

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In the morning, Kyle cooked breakfast for the both of us. I ate it slowly, trying to stall going back to Jim.

I finished, and sighed to myself. "Kyle, this is going to be so hard," I told him, frowning.

He smiled weakly. "Derek, love is worth it. I would've done anything to fix things with Steve."

I felt bad for him. "I'm sorry," I whispered.

We hugged for a moment, and then I left. I got into my car and starting driving back to the house. Deep down, I was terrified.

What if Jim just wasn't there anymore? I'm mad at him, fuming even, but it would hurt more if he just leaves. I've always needed him more than he needs me.

I entered the house reluctantly, carefully closing the door behind me, so as to not create any loud noises. I sighed, heading over to the living room. And he was there.

Jim was there, staring blankly at the wall. I don't know why, but it made me feel bad. After all this, the cheating, the lies, I just can't stop myself from loving him.

But love isn't always meant to be forgiving. I will not forgive him, just for the sake of my feelings. I will not be treated like a door mat; I have put other's feelings before my own for too long.

"Derek," he said, turning to face me. His eyes look so empty. But I can't care, although I know I do. Showing sympathy is a weakness, a downfall.

I'm so tired of being in love with Jim. Just a little while ago, I felt like my heart could burst and I wouldn't mind. But the truth is, this love I have for him has always been unhealthy.

"Hello," I replied, biting my lip. I sat down on the couch, making sure to keep a fair bit of distance between us. "You can explain if you want."

So he did.

"That woman who messaged me, the one I did... cheat on you with. She was blackmailing me... I would never do that willingly, Derek," he mumbled, looking down.

"Blackmail?" I questioned. "What kind of shit did she have on you?"

"She said she was going to kill you," Jim rushed out. "And I believed her... She had been stalking us, and definitely had the power to."

Perhaps I was just too angry, too bitter. "You should've let her," I spat. "I would've preferred to die loved than face this."

Jim looked back up at me, horror and sadness apparent on his face. "You don't mean that," he said quietly.

"I do," I replied, standing up. I couldn't bare to look at him anymore. So I left the house again.

a/n: kIkI dO yOu LoVe mE
you better give me candy monday i deserve it for updating

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