If You Like It Or Not

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Derek's POV

After seeing Jim, I was feeling terrible, not only because of his presence, but because I was frightened of the possibilities of the truth of his words. I'd like to think I trusted Matthew, but there have been some times where I felt like he was intimidating.

In need of comfort, I get back into my car and start driving. For a few minutes, I don't really know where I'm going, but I realize I'm going over to Matthew's. I just want reassurance, I want to know that he'll keep me safe and love me. I just want him to be more honest than Jim ever was, and I don't think that's too much.

About fifteen minutes later, I'm stood on his doorstep. I knock on the door, and wait patiently.

The door opens, and I'm greeted by the familiar sight of him. But his facial expression isn't very familar. His jaw is clenched, and his eyebrows are furrowed angrily.

It sets me off slightly. I just want someone warm to turn to, and I thought he could be it. Maybe he isn't who I should've went to.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Derek?" he asks, and his words are accompanied by a glare.

I lose my confidence. "Um, I just wanted to talk..." I say quietly.

Matthew does an exaggerated scoff. "Haven't we done enough of that tonight?"

"Well, I guess, but I just wanted to get some help," I answer, upset. Am I such a chore to him?

"Whatever," he says, and gestures me into his house. I walk in, and swear I hear him whisper something to himself.

"What was that?" I ask, even though I already heard it. I just want to know if he would dare say it in front of me. He called me needy, and the sad part is, I kind of am.

"Nothing," he says, and now I've about had it with him. But I compose myself. He takes me over to his living room, and pats the seat next to him on the sofa. "What's up?"

I didn't know how to bring it up. How do you tell someone that your ex thinks they are an abuser? How do I tell him that part of me believes that? How do I tell him that I don't know if I'm being rational or not?

For a moment there, I curse Jim's existence. He's infected me with doubt, and maybe that's been his plan all along.

So, I just tell him about Jim instead. I tell him that my ex contacted me, and how I don't know what to do.

"Are you breaking up with me?" Matthew asks, leaning in closer.

"What? Of course not!" I exclaim. "I'm just feeling weird. What do I do?"

"Oh, I was going to say. We would've had some problems," he chuckles, but it sounds dark. I think I know what he means.

"What kind of problems?" I bravely ask.

And his reply made me know that Jim was probably right. His reply made me realize that I might just be stuck.

"You're not allowed to break up with me. You're mine, whether you like it or not."

Turns out, Matthew wasn't very comforting at all.

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