Sparkly New Man

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Derek's POV

After a while, a work friend introduced me to someone new. His name was Matthew, and he had brown hair and gray eyes. He was taller than me, but only slightly so. I couldn't help but compare him to Jim, and I always hated myself for it.

When I look into his gray eyes, sometimes I just imagine looking through Jim's green ones. Comparison's aren't good, but I guess I will just have to deal with it. There's a main difference here, though: Matthew has a way different personality.

He's kind of like one of those men who are so stoic that you don't know what's acceptable and what isn't. Though we have gotten close, I still don't even know what he wants.

But it doesn't matter. I do like Matthew, and balancing work and other friends along with dates with him is easy.

The first time I go over to his house, I'm terrified. I'm scared of him getting close to me, because of Jim. Jim is always my problem these days.

We sit down on his sofa, and for once, he starts being affectionate. He pulls me close to him, and I'm so surprised I actually gasp. He laughs quietly, and I smile at him.

We watch a movie together, and for the first time since the divorce, I feel like things are looking up.


Jim's POV

My friend Matt calls me on the phone, at around 11 PM. He's one of my friends from high school, as he was on the soccer team. Turns out kicking balls around really bonds people together.

At first, I start to yell at him for calling because it's so late. Then, he says something that makes me freeze. "Dude, chill out. This is important. It's about Derek."

Derek. The One That Got Away. Well, I won't accept that, of course. I want to get him back, but it's so hard. I don't even really know where to start. "What about him?"

"He's moved on," Matt says, sighing. "I'm sorry, dude. My step-brother, Matthew, just told me they had their first date and everything."

I sit in silence for one moment, a question on the tip of my tongue. "Your name is Matt, and you have a brother named Matthew?"

"That's not the point!" Matt exclaims, obviously flustered. Oops. "I just wanted to let you know. But there's also something else..."

"Just tell me," I reply, already ready to start crying until I fall asleep. What other news can there be?

"Well, I'm not sure that Matthew treats his partner's right..." Matt states, and then he sighs. "And that's coming from me, his sibling."

All I can think about is Derek, who could be in trouble. If he were to ever leave me forever, I would at least want him to have a partner who can love him better than I ever could. But if Matthew is actual trash, I just might have to get into his life again to save him from that mistake.

"Thanks for telling me, bro," I reply. "I'll look into it."

Matt hangs up after that.

Matt and Matthew... It's crazy how life works.

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