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She still played the last moments together, before he was announced dead by Cloud. A few weeks after his visit. Pops was there, didn't mention Zack was in danger. He knew is son would do it, but didn't mention his son would die. [Y/N], who literally broke down when she heard the news, wanted to help Cloud. It was the least she could do, but Cloud wasn't having it. She kept following him, even healing him when he needed.

"Go home, I don't need your help."

"Please, let me help you. It is the least I can do since you were there with Zack."

"I said I don't need your help."

Cloud was currently finishing delivering items or other jobs. [Y/N] was there half way back to Tifa's bar. Where she bother Cloud to let her join him.

"Just go home, better yet, get on and I'll drive you back."

Before [Y/N] could ever move, Cloud winced a little, and covered a piece of his left bicep. A dark spot started to form, making the [H/C] girl worry about him even more.

"C-Cloud, you have geostigma?"

Cloud grunted as he holds his arm more carefully before nodding.

"Yeah, but it isn't nothing bad."

She shook her head, and sighed, rubbing the temples of her [S/C] skin. She then remembered there was a red string.

"Cloud I am going to tie this, for the disease not to spread quickly around your arms."

Cloud didn't say anything, being quiet was his normal habitat. However, he allowed her to tie the string around his bicep, but tightly. Took about a few knots to get the tightness just right, making the Blonde boy wince even more.

"There, that should do it."

Cloud sighed, and got up, [Y/N] was a bit imattated by height difference. He clearly was about six feet tall, and the [H/C] girl was about five feet or below.

The [H/C] girl and blonde boy sat in silence, enjoying the calm wind that passed by the empty path, surrounded by rocks and sand. She then heard another grunt, from him, as he got up. But he twitched a little and shook it off.

"Alright, you can going to join me. But, get in my way, and I'll personally take you back to your home. Got it?"

She didn't move, the. slowly looked at Cloud, and just started at him. He looked back, yet, [Y/N] looked at him with a face looking like, 'what the actual fuck', 

"You're serious?"

"The question is, when am I never serious?"

[Y/N] squealed in happiness and tackled hug Cloud. Being buff and all, he only went back a few steps and awkwardly stood there. Then after a few seconds, he wrapped his arms around her, trying his best not to get geostigma on her.

After a minute or so, the [H/C] smiled and blushed.


She was panicking, rambling randomly words here and there. But Cloud ignored her and went back to his motorcycle, Fenrir.

"Your going to go behind me. So get on and hold tight."

"Eh? Where are we going?"

"To Tifa's Bar, of course, you need a place to stay."

She couldn't stop smiling, she could finally feel useful, finally be someone in life.

"You won't regret it!"

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