13; (aka i lost count)

728 17 3

Im a dumbass. Periodt.

All Diabolos did was look at the children. Kadaj was giving his 'believable' speech to the kids. Each minute that has passed, the more angst [Y/N] became.

Then, Diabolos rose his hand, making several swords appear. But these aren't normal swords, they look shadow-like-swords. A slight nod was needed as [Y/N] dropped down, with the heavy sword trailing behind her.

She did not mind the height, it was an anime fight to begin with. So, when she landed, or crashed, in between Kadaj and his brothers, a large crater was made when the sword made contact. Water began to slash when [Y/N] made in contact with it.

"What the-!?"

"Give me back the children you fucking bootleg Sephiroth!"

A loud 'tch'  heard as Kadaj nodded to his other brothers. He heard a motorcycle from a distance, but the maiden didn't due to the impact of the ground making a loud noise. Before Kadaj could do anything, a large black sphere was now in front of him. He forgot about Diabolos.

"Next time, land on him!"

Diabolos knew Kadaj was going to dodge it, but he needed to stall since time was running out for him. He saw [Y/N] get up and wave her hand. She now had switch weapons, from Roses of Lust to Pistols of the Twin Greedful. Lock and loaded she was ready.

"Yeah, yeah. Return to the Celestial World!"

With that, Diabolos followed her orders and disappeared. Now, Kadaj had returned to his spot, tilted his head as he stared at her. Sure, materia existed to summon these celestial beings, but...she didn't.

"How are you-"

Before he could even speak, a bullet flew past him. Inches away from impaling his pale cheek. Kadaj glared at the lady in front of him. She didn't let her guard down, even with the glare so harsh from him.

No words were said as [Y/N] did not let her aim go down. Slowly, he revealed his weapon, Souba, a katana with two reinforced parallel blades. This was no ordinary battle, it would test her might against the might of a vessel. Or at least, to buy her time to get Denzel and Marline out of here.

A small smirk appeared on the silver haired male's lips as he disappeared. Blinking, [Y/N] did a full turn to meet Kadaj's face close to hers. [Y/N] did not hesitate to aim the gun right on his temple and did not hesitate to shoot. But, obviously he dodged and jumped in the air again. It was like him phasing through walls, cheating his way to this battle.

"Fuck you and your Jenova blood!"

A small laugh escaped the silver haired male as he continued to 'teleport' around her. Even up in the air. On the ground, [Y/N] was getting angry. Gripping her gun, she suddenly realized. She got the power of god, and deadass, anime by her side.

Raising an arm, she summoned her arsenal of weapons. Small crystals fell when they appeared, showing the outline of each weapon in its pure crystalline form. Surrounding her frame with a bright white light but disappeared when Kadaj blinked. This made him freeze midway of moving in the air...

A voice spoke up behind him.

"Nothing personal, bitch"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2020 ⏰

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