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Currently, the female Fair was looking at the trail of Cloud. You guessed it, Cloud has run away from her. When he semi-confessed to her, he simply ran away with no context.

All [Y/N] can do is sigh as small tears made its way down her [E/C] colored eyes.

Sure she loved the Blonde to death, but this proves that she will not win his heart if she dared to continue this path. Her heart throbs in hurt, her tears show weakness as she gives a sniff. Even if she dared to cry out as an excuse, it does not hide how hurt she is. This male proved that he not just accepted that he loves her, but would run away.

Sure, she understood why, but she is a woman! A soft, delicate flower in the garden is called life. What do you expect her to believe? But in the end, all she can do is just follow him, just like how he did with Zack.

With a sigh, she cried silently as she walked back to the Church. At her slow speed, she reflected on what went wrong. But in the end she blames herself for being a god damn human. That is until she felt a heavy tap on her shoulder.

When she looked up, she caused a familiar face, well familiar horns that is. A demonic-looking knight looms over the fair maiden with no emotion. Although there is a height difference, the Knight will bend down to her height. To be fair, he is the size of a house, and that is just him standing.  His horns, a long, curved scimitar and a black cape all fit his aesthetic, as if she did not dare to judge it. Sadly, they don't speak normal human language out-loud, so the Atrals talk telepathically. Or in other words, they speak through minds, or something like that.

"What is wrong, little Oracle?", the Demonic Knight said, as he slightly turned his head, to motion as if he was pondering. Sure, this Astral may look imitating, he is a real big softie. Just like Bahamut, Titan, Diablos, anyone!..they have a soft spot for [Y/N].

"D-Did I summon you, Odin?," she gave a small sniff as she continued to wipe her eyes, "If I did, sorry, I did not mean to do it..."

The knight gave her a head pat, and nodded his head as if he was disappointed. He replied, saying, "Well, you have a crush on a knight with tin foil armor. Why not have a ride with me, a true knight! Plus, Sleipnir misses you..."

This made the fair maiden smile. [Y/N] walked over to the demonic horse, who was standing on his six legs with pride. The horse knew the [H/C]nette, so when she got close, the horse rubbed its head against her, making her giggle a bit.

"Now that you are here, can you take me to the Church?", [Y/N] softly asked, as she continued to pet the horse. Odin looked at her for a second, and gave a sigh as he shook his head. Sure, the Astrals love the girl to bits but sometimes they wonder what is going on inside her head.

The Demonic Knight said no words as he patted the empty spot in front of him. Obviously, since he is a knight, and almost as tall as a house, he had space on his horse. Therefore, he helped her up on to the horse and the horse began to walk, or gallop due to the horse, to the Church.

"You know, your brother will not be happy when he hears about this."

"I know."

With that, the Knight and Fair [Y/N] began to travel to their destination. Silence was heard once again as the lady began to silently cry. She had to let this feeling down, even thought she was not fully rejected, it felt like a rejection. After a few more minutes, she stopped crying, or well tried to stop. Her eyes were puffy red, as well as her [S/C] cheeks. Her surroundings became more clearer now that her eyes were not so glossy. They were getting close.

That is, until [Y/N] saw two men trying to carry both Cloud and Tifa. This made the young Fair gasp as she looked up to face the Demonic Knight. With her gasp, he took note of her sudden worriedness feeling, so did Sleipnir. Therefore, Sleipnir sped up, but the two males looked like they were struggling.

"Is that-..... Is thatStrawberry and Mr. Clean!?"

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