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Blinking back to reality, the [Y/N] girl layer under Cloud. As she was on a pool of blood, his mixed with hers. Cloud wanted to cry, he failed to do what he was promised to do, taking care of her. He wouldn't lie, he had a liking on the [H/C] haired lady for a long time. But seeing her like this breaks his heart into a million pieces, even if his body was hurting, his heart was burning with range and sadness.

Her [E/C] were barely shining, as he felt her soft hand wiping the tears and smearing some blood from the cut from his cheek. He knew if he wouldn't win the fight, he wouldn't see the future with her.

"Tell me what you cherish the most. Give me the pleasure of taking away?"

She knew it was over, she didn't know what to do. What to do without her soldier, without her shield.

"I'm. . . sorry-"

[Y/N] was already coughing up more blood. She took more blows from Sephiroth and Kadaj before he turned into Sephiroth. But was worse that her geostigma was crawling up her body. She never mentioned she even had it, she didn't even knew about it until she was coughing up blood at night.

"I promised Zack to protect you, I....I guess I failed."

Everything went by slow, their end was near. The blonde haired man and [H/C] haired woman looked at each other, as if it was their last sight. Until [Y/N] felt the presence of her passed brother. She notice Cloud getting up, but struggling to get up and confront this new surrounding.

His hands were shaking to wipe the tear from her [S/C] cheek. She struggled to speak as she coughed up blood, making her lips dark red, as if she was wearing red-blood lipstick. When she notice her surroundings wasn't the same ShiRa building, everything was white, the same comforting white.

"So what if it looks hopeless? If it were me, I still wouldn't give up. Embrace your dreams. And, whatever happens, protect your honour as SOLDIER! Well, okay, you never made SOLDIER."

Zack did a movement, however the duo couldn't tell what it is but they got the message. He was tapping his chest with pride. [Y/N] was sobbing at the moment, her tears ran out so it was left with dryness. Somehow life wasn't finished with her, and was still alive. Making her suffer from the unbearable pain from her side and chest.


Cloud struggled to get up, on to his bottom, and trying to help the [H/C] woman too. Giving her a sad glance, nodded her head as a 'thank you' and wiping the blood that's was drooling down on the corner of her mouth. However, she had to lean on Cloud's chest, as she sat on his lap. He was basically cradling her, as if she was a baby, clinging her to the end.

She felt a glance, not from Cloud, from Zack. She heard his voice again, and it sounded close. So close, felt the same time he would visit her when he had the chance. The same voice that would make her nightmares go away and make her bravery grow.

"Well? You needed a hand with him?"

As the Blonde ex-SOLIDER shook his head, Cloud continued to struggled to stand. He didn't want to give up just yet, and now, he has more reason to fight.

"I-I can still fight."

Slowly getting up, but the clinks of Cloud's armor was heard. [Y/N], on the other hand was slowly recovering, even if it meant spilling more blood. Her black sleeveless duster sweater and black cycling shorts were dirty but unnoticeable because they were black. However, her white tank top was filled with a mix of hers and Cloud's blood. Not only was the tank top with blood, so was the gray arm warmers. but she did not noticed her miniskirt a tartan pattern with red and black was slowly rolling up, reaching to her thighs. Cloud did noticed, and tried his best to help his tired and bloodless partner.

"I remember that outfit. You would always draw it over-and over during the weekends. Wanting to go out and swoon the boys because of it."

A soft sob escaped the girl's lips, as she clutched a piece of clothing from Cloud. She remembered how he bought her that book, where she drawn or sketched her outfits. She wanted to be something useful in life. But that changed.

"No. Y...You'll get hurt even more."

Cloud didn't have the energy to even talk. He had his hand wrapped around her waist. She was titled, unbalanced as you can say. But she wanted to fight, no matter what. Even if it was Cloud's fight, she wanted to help. Even if she did died, she wanted to leave with a sign of something. Even if she never got to tell Cloud how much she loved him.

"Stubborn as always."

"You're o...one to talk."

[Y/N] stood, weakly as she dusted off her outfit. But a hand stopped her from doing it. It was Cloud.

"I promise,...I promise I'll buy you another outfit and take you on a date.", the Blonde mumbled as a he kissed the crown of her head. It was a sign, a sign of a new story.

"Flirting in front of me, how disrespectful. And I thought you needed help. You've already defeated him once, didn't you? This should be a cinch."

Zack stood proudly, as she turned around. He was the same as he was, wearing the SOLDIER outfit, and never ending hairstyle. However, his back was still turned, but she know he was smirking.


"Remember what I told you."

Before the light could ever disappear, a single tear escaped her [E/C] colored eye. Maybe this will be the final visit of him. The last time she will ever have her shield.

"That's right.... I'm your living legacy."

I FINALLT CHANGED THE ARMOR. It is the recolored version if Rinoa's!

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