Wars of Light Episode Three: The Redemption

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Scene One:


The scene begins with opening music, and the title.

The camera then begins with a high diagonal shot of the base on Lingguard, the camera notes the many tents that are scattered about the remains of the base. From the sky several dozen ships appear out of the cloud cover.

The camera now moves to the ground level, there we find a fully recovered Avalon, watching the ships move into a landing pattern. Back in the sky we see one small black ship break away from the rest of the group and angle off to the right were it drops quickly below the tree line.

Avalon sees this and with a faint smile begins to walk in that direction.

The camera moves ahead of her and comes out on a smaller platform, this ship lands lightly, and a moment later its single    occupant jumps out of the ship.

The camera comes closer to reveal that the occupant is the same Death Trooper from the last movie in the scene where General Turk was killed.

The man is young, in his late twenties; his face is serious with a steel like hardness and his eyes seem older than his face. Cold, and hard, they seem to be those of one accustomed to the grimmer sights of life. 

The camera pulls out slightly as he takes in his surroundings. A shadow of a figure can be seen just inside the tree line; his eyes find the figure only after a faint chuckle is heard from that direction. He then turns just as Avalon steps from out from the shadow, a look of almost pleasure on her face.

Avalon: Took you long enough. She says curtly, with mock impatience in her voice.

The man turns back to his cockpit and pulls out a thick utility belt.

Degan: It took him longer than I thought to send me out. He says in an unconcerned tone.  

Avalon: His final reasoning? She asks in an uninterested voice, but her eyes are hard.

Degan: He wanted one of his loyal warriors to go and assess whether or not the new commander of the teams was acting in true protocol, and whether or not those actions had the true line of loyalty in them. He says in a bored tone, as though recalling a memorized speech.

Avalon: And your assessment? She asks coyly, stepping around him as though inspecting him.

Degan: I saw nothing wrong with any of the actions taken; all were good and proper in the terms of motive behind them.  He says squarely, his shoulders in stiff military style as he attaches the belt to his hips.

Avalon make a motion with his head for him to follow her, with a few strides he catches up with her and then purposely slows himself to match her step.

Avalon reaches into the extra scabbard attached to her belt, just behind her own sword. She pauses for a single second before pulling Galla's sword from it.

Avalon: Here. She says, tossing it to him almost carelessly. He catches it easily and turns on the blade.

The camera now notes that the hilt is not solid, but there is a separation of about an inch in the middle, making two lines. Degan notices this and uses both hands to pull at the hilt. Instead of meeting resistance the sword breaks easily, turning from one into two.

Degan smiles with pleasure as the strands of energy continue to dance across both blades.

Avalon: I thought you'd like it. She says with a smile of her own. As quickly as the smile had come, it disappeared and her face turned hard and serious.

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