Scene Ten: Reunions

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Scene Ten:


The scene begins with several shots of Utivee. First an area where several imperial ships were shot down, some of the ruble still smoking. It then moves to a shot of the imperial command base that Galla destroyed, the camera notes that the rain has stopped completely, then the crash site where Galla’s ship can still be seen, here we also see several soldiers, both in imperial and rebellion uniforms, stationed several feet apart. Standing guard at the forest line.

The camera changes to a scene of several generals of both armies standing near the large troop cruisers, talking seriously but with no visible hostility.

The camera takes a final shot of the destroyed ledge where the ground cannons once stood.

The camera lingers on them for a second before moving slowly down to the bottom of the canyon. Here we see several vehicles and large tents.

The camera moves in closer and comes into one of the tents near the entrance of the palace. We see several people moving around, and several more lying on pallets. The camera scans the crowd until it spots Kurt.

Here we find him hovering over his mother, who is seated on a box, as the camera gets closer we see that the cuts on Attean’s face have been cleaned, and she looks much better.

A voice is heard over the noise and Kurt looks up.

Danson: Kurt! The camera moves to see Danson weaving through the ever growing crowd.

Kurt quickly leaves his mother’s side and meets his friend with an embrace of relief.

Kurt: After we lost communications I was worried that you fell of your ride. Danson grins darkly, his face dirty, with a cut on his neck.

Danson: Me? Nahh, Ab did enough for both of us. He says with a faint trace of his humor as he motions with his head to the alien coming up slowly behind him.

Kurt: You okay? He asks looking the alien over. Abda wearily nods his head while Danson scoffs loudly.

Danson: He had a close scare with a sniper. The guy nearly took his head off! He exclaims, his tone showing the protectiveness for his friend.

Kurt: What happened? Did we win or lose? He asks eagerly, Danson shrugs.

Danson: I don’t know what you’d call it. One minute their tryin’ like heck to shoot your head off, and the next…

And the next their all layin’ down their weapons or tossing them to us!  Kurt looks truly puzzled and is about to speak again when the sound of a speeder fast approaching takes his attention. The camera follows him and from the mouth of the canyon we see the same speeder from the last seen coming towards the tent.

It pulls up just short, and the driver quickly jumps off.

The speeder is still too far away for Kurt to make out who it is, and it isn’t until Attean lets out a strangled cry and races past Kurt and Danson that the two take any special notice of it.

Abda: What’s up? He asks, as the group turns to the speeder with more interest.

Danson: I don’t know… He trails off and the camera follows his gaze, we see Abiah has gotten off the speeder and is now turning towards the oncoming Attean. Still on the bike, but slowly getting off is Adolf with Sica still in his arms.

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