Scene Nine: Last Stand

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Scene Nine:

Last Stand

The camera opens in space, at first all the camera sees are stars, but slowly a shape can be made out, heading towards the camera.

As it gets closer we find out that it is Adolf’s fighter and it is heading fast for the planet Lingguard which we can see in the corner of the screen.

The camera moves into the cockpit, we find Adolf it not at the controls, but is under the dashboard itself, quickly twisting several wires together.

We hear him give a little exclamation as one of the wires shock him. He pulls himself out from under and consults a screen on the left.

Adolf: That’s it… He is interrupted by a beeping alarm.

This causes him to move to the controls and pull a lever, outside the ship visibly slows.

Adolf: Here we go. He says with slight hesitation.

Getting no response he turns to where Sica is laying.

We see she is still lying where she was in the last scene. Her eyes are closed and her face is drawn. A look of panic flashes across Adolf’s face as he kneels next to her.

Adolf: Sister? He says softly, shaking her shoulder much like the manner in which Kurt did to his mother in the last scene.

Unlike in the last scene he has to nudge her again before he gets a response. Slowly she stirs, and slower still she opens her eyes.

Sica: Adolf? She says weakly, trying to sit up only to jerk back.

Adolf: It’s alright. He soothes as he eases her into a better position.

Sica looks at him gratefully and closes her eyes for a moment at a wave of pain.

Sica: Are we there? She asks as the spasm passes. Adolf nods his head before answering.

Adolf: We’ve just hit the atmosphere. He reports, glancing out the window as he says it.

Sica: Did you manage to re-route the shield generators? She asks, her voice a little stronger. Adolf nods his head again.

Adolf: It should hold as long as not too many try to shoot through it. He says, a very faint trace of humor coming through his somber tone. 

Sica nods her head slowly. Adolf puts his hand on her shoulder for a moment before turning back and seating himself on the pilot’s seat.

The camera moves back outside, and follows the ship as it drops quickly though the storm layer.

The camera now moves back to the ground where Galla crashed her ship.

The camera notes that Galla is still firing her gun. But the camera also notes that the canopy is severely cracked, and Avalon and Degan and about five others are still firing on it.

Just as K.R. and Abiah break through the tree cover the canopy shatters, sending shards in all directions.

The camera moves inside the cockpit to show Galla cry out as the glass falls on her. The imperials continue pouring fire into the ship until one soldier is knocked back by a blast from beyond the ship. The camera moves around to see Abiah, K.R. and two squads of rebel troopers.

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