Scene Four: Capture

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Scene Four:


The scene begins in space; the camera can just make out K.R.'s small brown ship as it speeds through space.

Off in the distance we can see the planet of Ganton, the camera moves into the cockpit to show K.R. watching the reading scrolling past his screen intently.

The camera moves to his hand as he pulls a small lever on the dashboard. The ship increases its speed, and the stars outside begin to rush by faster. Unlike Danson's mistake in episode two K.R watches the indicators and makes the transition to the correct engine.

After a few moments something beeps and K.R. pushes the same lever back into its original position.

The camera moves back outside to show the planet Ganton is much closer; K.R. slows the ship even more and maneuvers his ship to follow the other traffic into the planet’s atmosphere.

The camera now moves to the surface of Ganton, here we can see several ships breaking landing patterns and landing of their own individual base, we see K.R.'s ship break away from the public docks and move out of camera range.

The camera catches up to the ship when it is over a small wooded area. The ship turns in midair and sets down.

There is a pause and then with a hiss the canopy of his ship opens and K.R. jumps out. He lands lightly on the ground and pulls his sword out, cautiously looking around he makes his way to the right, the camera follows him and we see him stop near the edge of the tree line.

He backs into the shadows and the camera follows his gaze.

About a hundred yards in front of him is a tall thick gate, the doors are thrown open and we can see several men in uniforms walking in and out of the entrance.

From off to the right a large hovering vehicle appears and several troops dismount. The troops walk towards to guards who were out of sight from the camera. The troops and the guards begin to converse with each other and K.R. uses the opportunity to make a dash.

He hugs the side of the vehicle, and as the soldiers and guards make their way around the right of the vehicle, K.R. slowly moves to the left.

Once he is next to the entrance he darts in and backs into the shadows cast by the large pillars that line the wall.

Hiding in the shadows he moves stealthily towards the palace. After a few moments he is next to the corner of the building, and he slides into a small crevice.

The camera moves inside to show K.R. slinking through the hallways, here and there we see one, or two men in uniforms, and during one shot there is a woman dressed in fine robes.

K.R. evades detection, and after a few more moments, finds himself in the hallway they used in episode one.

The sound of footsteps sends him scooting back out of sight. After a moment three troopers led by Geetoe round the corner, they are talking quietly among themselves. They come to a stop just in front of K.R. Geetoe then puts in some sort of code on a panel, and a door opens.

The camera moves to the right of Geetoe to reveal that it is a weapon supply closet, and the viewers may come to the assumption that this group has just come on duty.

The camera moves a little farther back to confirm that none of the men have weapons.

Trooper 1: General if I may say so, I worry sometimes about the King's motives... The man says nervously, his tone hushed.

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