Scene Eleven: New Order

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Scene Eleven:

New Order

 The scene begins on a white wall, for a moment the camera remains still and we take in the sounds of the room.

We hear a low steady beeping, and some other unidentifiable electronic sounds.

The camera moves slowly, taking in the various metal objects, some with small screens, the others with panels of blinking buttons.

The camera continues its slow scan until the end of a bed, the bed is covered in white sheets.

The camera now continues to move until we can see the front of the bed. Here we find Sica, lying asleep, her face is much less pale, and the tautness is gone.

A little off to the side we find Danson quietly sitting next to the bed, he alternates from watching Sica’s even breathing, to staring off into space, apparently deep in thought.

The camera notes Sica’s hand moves slightly, rubbing against the sheets. There is a pause and then she takes a deep slow breath and partially opens her eyes.

The camera watches her as she slowly takes in her surroundings, as she gets to where Danson is we see him partially stand up and move closer.

Sica: Danson? She asks slowly, her eyes tracing his outline. In response Danson moves over her and kisses her.

Danson: Hey. He replies, his own voice low, slipping his own hand into hers. Sica gives a thin smile.

Sica: What are you doing here? She asks, her voice low, but no longer as weak as it was.

Danson: Watching you… How do you feel? He says matter of factual, then asks his question gently.

The camera shifts to Sica as she moves slightly under the sheets,

Sica: I hurt, but I’ll live. She says slowly, giving another faint smile. Danson also smiles and leans forward to kiss her again.

Danson: Best news I’ve heard all day. Sica smiles again, and then briefly closes her eyes.

When she opens them again her expression is troubled.

Sica: Where is Adolf? She asks, her voice curious with a note of worry in it.

Danson releases her hand and shrugs his shoulders in an attempt to look unconcerned.

Danson: I only saw him for a minute, the old man got ahold of me after I… After I talked to Kurt about something. He says, his face flushing slightly as he remembers his confrontation with Adolf.

Sica: Is Kurt alright? And my mother? Danson nods his head, his face relaxing as Sica passes unaware of his error.

Danson: They’re all fine. You should stop worrying and start resting.  He says with a pointed tone. Sica shifts herself under the sheets again and smiles, her face showing fatigue.

Sica: I don’t need to rest, but I am tired. Danson smiles again, this time he kisses her on the forehead.

Danson: Then go to sleep. I’ll see you later. Sica cooperatively closes her eyes, and Danson gives her one last look before turning for the doorway and stepping quietly out.

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