Chapter 7

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Happy Friday everybody! Sorry I uploaded this a little late, I'll try to be better about that in the future. Anyway hope you like it
- M


Thor hadn't moved from the lounge since Loki had left. He wasn't really sure what he had been thinking touching Loki the way he did but all he knew was that it had felt so right.

Of course all reasoning pointed to the fact that it was messed up and that he should absolutely not feel that way about the man he once thought was brother but... well he did.

Thor liked to believe that he had a pretty good sense of right and wrong. Like for example killing off half the universe's population was definitely wrong. And destroying Asgard in order to save it's people was right. Though in the end they'd all died anyway so there was really no point.

Thor let out a heavy sigh, he was not going to think about this right now, it would only add to his growing sense of despair.

Clearing the the tragic thoughts of Asgard from his mind, Thor went back to his original thoughts. The thing about Thor's moral compass was that it kept telling him that what he felt for Loki was wrong.

It was like his heart and his brain were screaming two different things. In his mind he knew that his feelings for his adopted brother were weird and unnatural, but whenever Thor was around him, his heart would pull him to the other god and when they were together it just felt...right.

Feet clambering through halls pulled Thor out of his daze. Curiosity sparked in his mind and Thor couldn't help but follow the footsteps.

Logically he knew that who ever it was surely wanted to be left alone but if Thor was being honest, he didn't really care. If they wanted to be left alone, then they shouldn't have made such a ruckus storming through the compound.

The footsteps continued to go up until the door leading to the roof opened and then they were silent. If Thor had been anywhere else, he may have wondered why someone would be going on the roof in the middle of the night, but this was the Avengers so there was no telling what kind of weird shit someone might be up to.

Thor pushed open the door to the roof and the sight in front of him nearly made his heart stop.

Loki. Loki was standing on the edge of the roof staring at the ground below. He was breathing hard and if he moved even a millimeter farther, he would plummet to the concrete below.

Slowly, moving on instinct, Thor began to walk toward him.

"Loki," he murmured. "What are you doing?" Panic was creeping into Thor's voice and he tried to swallow it down.

There was no response, Loki didn't even acknowledge that Thor was even there. Please don't jump please don't jump please don't jump. Fear ran through Thor's veins as he slowly made his way to where Loki stood.

"Loki," Thor murmured again. There was still no response though Loki's breathing did seem to increase slightly.

Practically shaking with fear, Thor made the last step and wrapped an arm around Loki's body. He pulled him away from the edge and sunk to the ground still holding him in his arms.

Thor knew it was irrational, but he feared that if he let go, Loki would fling himself off the roof and be lost from him forever.

Thor turned so their eyes met, yet the green eyes he stared into didn't seem to be staring back. It was if Loki's mind was in completely different world, so even though he was there in his arms, he wasn't really there.

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