Blowing Of Steam And Great News

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It had now been 3 weeks since Logan had proposed to his Ace and neither he or Rory could be more thrilled to be engaged. But now it was time to begin preparing and packing for the famous life & death bridge event.

"Ace, where is my black sunglasses?"Logan asked Rory while looking through his luggage.

"I have them right here, I borrowed them last night remember?"Rory answered him while handing him the sunglasses.

"I guess I just have a lot on my mind."Logan told her truthfully.

"You wanna tell me about it? After all I am your fiancé."Rory asked him while looking at him with concern.

"It's just this whole LDB event, is giving me some strange feelings. I really never liked going to these things after Costa Rica, considering how things ended there."Logan answered her while sitting down on the bed.

"Believe me I know how much affect the Costa Rica accident had on you. But this time I'm with you and I will not let either of you boys do anything like that again."Rory told him comforting. 

"I love you so much ace."Logan told her.

"Well believe it or not I actually love you too."Rory told him while leaning towards him and giving him a kiss on his mouth.

"I'm glad I have you in my life again ace."Logan told her while kissing her on her cheek.

"I'm glad to becuase not having you in my life it just felt wrong. Like something was missing" Rory told him honestly.

Two and a half hours later Rory and Logan left for the airport. Honor had volunteered to meet them at the airport and to take care of Mitchum during the time Rory and Logan would be gone.

When they arrived at the airport, Honor was waiting with Finn, Rosemary, Stephanie and Colin.

"Finally you guys got here, finally we can start our trip."Finn told Rory and Logan.

"Yes finally."Rory told them while hugging Finn.

They walked onto the plane and got settled, Rory sat down beside Stephanie and Rosemary.

"What's up with Logan?"Stephanie asked Rory.

"Yeah, I was wondering that to. He looks a little distracted."Rosemary added.

"I honestly don't know, the last couple of days he has just been different. He keeps forgetting things, I'm actually getting worried."Rory answered them.

"Maybe the stress of worrying about Mitchum?"Rosemary asked.

"It might be, I think this little getaway might be just what Logan needs."Rory answered.

Two and a half hours later they arrived in Las Vegas. They walked out of the plane and straight towards where the limousine was waiting. They got into the limousine, the boys had already on the plane ride begun drinking and Logan was drinking more than the others.

"Mate, maybe you should calm down? We haven't even gotten to the hotel and not even started."Finn suggested to Logan.

"Hey, get of my back okey? I'm tired of being mister does everything right."Logan shot back.

Rory couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Logan, they both had been looking forward to this for so long. And they don't even get of the plane before he starts drinking.

"You okey love?"Finn asked her.

"No, I am worried about him."Rory answered him while looking over at Logan whom was pouring another glass of champagne.

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