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      I spent the rest of the day hanging out with Jimin and makin new friends. I would see Yoongi once in awhile, but once he spotted me, he was quickly out of site.

      The boy likes to make everyone think that he is cold hearted, but I don't think he's really like that all. Just looking at him intrigues me even more. 

    Finally, the last bell of the day rang. I quickly got out of my seat and made my way to my locker.

    It took me longer to get out of school, due to the fact that it was my first day and I had to clear some things up with certain teachers.

   So, by the time I got outside, everyone was already gone. I started to walk out towards the corner of the street, when something caught my eye.

  There was Yoongi, sitting against a tree right outside of school. He was frantically searching through his back pack.

   He almost looked like he was having a panic attack. I was tempted to go over there and help him, but I knew he would just give me a nasty glare anyways.

  So, I just decided to keep my distance.  Finally, Yoongi found what he apparently needed to bad and a satisfied look came upon his face.

    He took out what looked like at thing of pills and a pack of cigarettes. Taking about three pills, then grabbing a lighter out of one of the back pack pockets.

    Pulling a cigarette out of the box, he lit it, quickly bringing it to his mouth. I frowned looking at him. I would have never took him as someone who smokes.

    What really was stuck in my mind was, what type of pills were those? Worry suddenly filled my head at the thought.

    Suddenly the urge in me to go talk to him took over and I started walking towards him.

    He didn't notice until I was standing right next to him. Most likely to busy thinking about things like we all do.

    I sat next to him and that's when he turned his head sharply in my direction. "Can't you see I'm busy?" Yoongi sneered, rolling his eyes and looking back out into the distance.

    From the short eye contact, I could tell that there was some sadness and worry in his eyes. " Too busy giving yourself cancer?" I asked causing Yoongi to just scoff.

   " Look, you barely know who I am, so why dont you just fuck off alright?" Yoongi said and I just shook my head at his attitude.

   " I may not know who you are personally, but that doesn't mean I don't care about what damage you are putting on you body." I said and I swear I almost saw his eyes soften at the statement, almost.

    " Why did you come over here? I was so rude to you, but here you are again trying to be nice to me." He asked and I just shrugged.

     "Well I'm new here and it looks like you need a friend as well." I said scanning my eyes up and down his slim body.

     I noticed that Yoongi had a tatto on his thumb. Love always beats damage, the tatto read and I found myself being very curious.

      "What does that tatto mean?" I asked causing Yoongi to look down at it and his eyes softened. "Nothing to your concern." He said putting his hand by his side so I couldn't keep looking at it.

    My phone buzzed and it was a text from my mom saying to come home. "Well I have to go, but I hope you will give me a chance be to your friend." I smiled and Yoongi just nodded and I started to walk away.

     I felt like I just made progress. I finally got him to talk to me and that was all that I had hoped for. My mind also kept wondering back to what that tatto meant.

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