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       " Yoongi, I was wondering if you would like to sit with Jimin and I at lunch?" I asked and Yoongi bit his lip thinking about my question.

           " I'm alright by myself, Hoseok. Even though we're friends now, you don't have to feel like you have to include me in everything." Yoongi said looking down at his feet.

           I shook my head at the insecure boy standing in front of me and reached my hand out and tilted his head up so he was looking at me.

           " What kind of friend would let you sit by yourself at lunch?" I said and grabbed Yoongi's hand, dragging him into the lunch room.

             " Hoseok, I'm not sure about this." Yoongi mumbled as I pulled him over to the table where Jimin was waiting for me.

            " It will be fine, now just relax." I said causing Yoongi to slowly nod his head and finally we reached the table.

              Jimin gave me a questioning look and I hope he got the memo when I gave him a warning look. " I'm assuming both of you know of each other at least." I said and they both nodded they're heads looking at each other.

               " I'm glad you could join us for lunch." Jimin said with a smile actually trying to talk to Yoongi, which made me feel very grateful. " Thank you, glad you let me sit with you guys." Yoongi mumbled suddenly becoming shy.

                I smiled as I watched my two friends actually having a good conversation and getting along with each other and knowing that another friend for Yoongi would be a good thing.

             " So Yoongi, what are you're hobbies?" Jimin asked, resting his head in the palm of his hands. " Well, I like to write music and play the piano." Yoongi said and Jimin's eyes instantly lighted up.

               " No way, me too! We should work on something together some time." Jimin said and a wide smile made its way on to Yoongi's face.

                " Ya, I would love that. Maybe Hoseok could help us too." Yoongi said looking over at me, causing me to shrug.

                  " I don't know you guys. I'm not really that good when it comes to music." I said causing Yoongi to roll his eyes. " I bet you would be great." Yoongi said while resting a hand on my shoulder.

                  " Oh look, the freak finally made some friends." A voice said behind us and we both turned around to see Taeyong. " Back off." I said causing him to chuckle.

                     " Oh, so you got the new kid to defend you huh? Well, I'm sure he'll leave you eventually." Taeyong said and walked away with his friends.

                      " Don't listen to them, Yoongi. Both of us are your friends." Jimin said causing us both to turn around and a light blush to appear on Yoongi's face.

                      " Thank you" Yoongi mumbled causing both Jimin and I smile at him. " Anytime Yoongi." I said placing my arm around his shoulders.

                        This made Yoongi blush and look down at his lap and I just chuckled. I looked up to see Jimin smirking at the booth of us and then he winked at me, while he gestured to Yoongi.

                         I blushed shaking my head at him and got up from my seat. " Well, I have to head to class, so I will see you two later." I said and walked out and went to go find Taeyong.

                      He was leanin against a locker, talking to his friends and laughing occasionally. "Hey Taeyong, why don't you fuck off and leave Yoongi alone." I shouted causing Taeyong and his friends to look at me.

                      " Look everyone, its Yoongi's new boyfriend. I always figured that boy was a slut." Taeyong said causing me to bite my lip.

                   I rushed over to where Taeyong was standing and grabbed on to the coller of his shirt. " I don't think you heard me the first time. Stay away from Yoongi and no one gets hurt." I said and Taeyong just shook his head.

                     " Wow, I'm so scared" Taeyong said and I slammed him against the lockers. " This is not a joke, now leave him alone." I said was about to walk away, when Taeyong shouted something at me.

                         " The slut has someone whipped for him. He must be really good in bed." He said causing me to instantly turn around and punch Taeyong in the face.

                      He stumbled back a bit before regaining his balance and looked at me with a nasty glare. " Thats it, you asked for it faggot." Taeyong said striked me across the face, causing me to fall on to the floor and Taeyong to sit on top of me and start to punch me.

                     I used all the strength that I had and quickly rolled over so that Taeyong was sitting under me, then I continued to hit him, while he tried to resist against me.

                     " Hey, you two break it up!" I heard a teacher shout and pretty soon someone was pulling me off Taeyong and I tried to pull away so I could continue to hit Taeyong, but they pushed me against the lockers. 

                         I opended my eyes to see that it was Jimin holding me back. " Let me go, he needs to get what he deserves." I said and Jimin just shook his head. " No, you'll get in more trouble than you already are." Jimin said causing me to sigh and to stop trying to resist him.

                       " Yoongi didn't see, did he?" I asked and Jimin shook his head up and down. " He did, but I made him go to class." Jimin said and I bite my lip.

                         " I wish he didn't see me like that." I said and Jimin just sighed. "Well, next time just think it through before you start throwing punches, okay?" Jimin said and I nodded my head and he let me go.

                           Finally, after the principal decided that Taeyong and I would have detention for an hour after school for one week, he finally let us both leave.

                           Since school was over for the day, I hurried outside to the spot where Yoongi usually sits and sure enough, there he was, but he was just about to light a cigarette.

                         I rushed over to him and grabbed it from his hand making him glare at me. "I thought we talked about this Yoongi." I said and Yoongi just tried to reach for it in response, but I wouldn't give it back.

                        " Hoseok, just give it back." Yoongi whined, but I just shook my head in response. " No, because this could give you cancer and you're too young to die." I said and Yoongi just gave up and stuffed the rest of the pack back in to his bag.

                         " Whatever" Yoongi said sighing at he got up and stood beside me. " Thank you." I said and he just nodded as we started to walk.

                     " Hoseok, why did you fight Taeyong?" Yoongi asked and I just bit my lip as I looked at him. " I decided he needed to get what he desevered." I said and Yoongi shook his head.

                       " You didn't have to fight him, because of what he said to me. I'm not worth it anyways." Yoongi said making me stop and grab his shoulders so he had to look at me.

                        " Don't you ever say that again. You are worth it in every way and I would do it all over again just to prove it to you." I said making Yoongi blush and nod.

                          " Good." I said and we arrived at Yoongi's house. " Do you want me to come in?" I asked and he shook his head. " I'll be fine, don't worry about it." Yoongi said and waved goodbye as he closed the door behind him.

                             Thoughts kept rushing through my head as I walked home. Something deep down was telling me that Yoongi was definitely not fine.

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