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     "Min Yoongi, stop sleeping in my class! If this keeps happening, then I might just have to fail you." The teacher warned and I looked back to see Yoongi slowly raising his head off his desk while groaning.

     " Ya, whatever." Yoongi grumbled and the teacher just scrunched his eyebrows together staring at Yoongi with pure rage written all over his face.

      " Min Yoongi that is it, detention after school." The teacher said and turned towards the board to continue teaching to the class.

     Jimin turned around in his seat to look at me. " Hoseok, are you sure you want to be friends with him?"Jimin asked gesturing over to Yoogni who was struggling to stay awake.

      " Im sure." I said causing Jimin to nod and turn back around in his seat. I turned slightly in my seat so I could get a quick glance at Yoongi.

      He was slumped in his seat glaring at the teacher. I noticed the bags under his eyes, which was probably from not getting a lot of sleep.

     Yoongi noticed me looking at him and turned to look at me, but before we could make eye contact, I quickly turned my head. A light pink blush present on my cheeks from being caught.

     Out of the corner of my eye I could see Yoongi smirking in my direction while playing with the pen in his fingers.

     For the first time in forever, someone staring at me made me nervous. I was usually use to all the attention I would recieve from my actions and trying to make others laugh, but the way Yoongi continued to stare at me suddenly made me very anxious.

     I ignored his stare and finally the bell rang. I quickly got out of my seat and went to my locker to put stuff away since it was lunch time.

    I was about to go to the lunch room, but then I saw Yoongi making his way outside with his backpack. I looked around me to make sure that no one was watching, then I proceeded through the doors that Yoongi had just walked through.

      He sat down at one of the school's picnic tables and started to grab homework out of his bag. I slowly walked over to him and sat across from him.

       Yoongi smirked as he looked up at me. "Well now look who it is, the boy who always seems to be checking me out in class." He said causing me to blush and look down at my lap.

      " What homework are you doing?" I said changing the subject quickly. " All the homework I have been delaying for the past month." Yoongi said causing me to scrunch my eyebrows together.

     " Why don't you just do it on time?" I asked and Yoongi just rolled his eyes. " I have better things to do." he said, then grabbing a pack of cigarettes out of his backpack.

     " Oh, so you are too busy poisoning your lungs with those cigarettes?" I asked making Yoongi glare at me as he opend the pack.

      "Like I said before, if you don't like it then just leave me alone. " Yoongi said lighting one and sticking it between his teeth.

     I sighed ignoring what he just said, then an idea popped into my head. "Well I am a pretty good student, maybe I could help you with the homework you have to make up." I said and I could see Yoongi thinking about my offer.

     "I have a feeling that you want something in return. If its for me to stop smoking, then you might as well forget about it." Yoongi said blowing smoke out of his mouth as he spoke, then placing is back between his teeth.

     " No, I'm just hoping that you will let me be your friend." I said smiling and Yoongi started to pack some of his stuff away.

       " Fine, meet me after detention then will figure out where we want to go." Yoongi said getting up and walking back inside the school.

      I grinned in success as I soon went back inside and made my way to my next class.

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