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As soon as I noticed that Yoongi fell asleep, I grabbed the homework that him and were suppose to work on and I took it with me, knowing that I was just going to do it for him.

I knew it was cheating, but what I just witnessed, I really didn't care if I would get in trouble or not, because now I know why Yoongi hasn't had time to do his homework.

My heart was really aching for him. I have never seen someone so broken and hurt in my life. It hurt to see him like that. If only everyone really knew what he was going through, then maybe they all wouldn't be so quick to judge him.

I was glad that I wasn't. I know for sure that Yoongi needs someone more than ever right now, even though he's too afaird to say that for himself.

I made my way into my room and got right down to work, knowing that all of this homework would be a breeze since I'm in higher class than him in the particular subject.

I finished around one in the morning and I smiled in success looking at all the finished homework. I made sure to make the handwritting look more like Yoongi's, so he had less chances of getting caught.

I quickly put all of his homework in my backpack, then I turned off my lamp and crawled into bed thinking about how this might let Yoongi be more close to him.


As I walked into the school, Someone crashed right into my and wrappe their arms around me. I opened my eyes to see Yoongi resting his head on my chest as tears fell down his face.

I bit my lip as I pulled him into the nearest bathroom and into a stall, locking the door and lifting his chin so he was looking at me.

" Yoongi, whats wrong?" I asked as I wipe the tears off his face as he sniffed. " I lost all of my missing work and my parents are already mad at me enough, so I don't know what I'm going to do, because if I don't turn it in, then I can't pass senior year." Yoongi said and covering his face with his hands.

I laughed as I looked at the troubled boy who was very unaware of what I had done for him. " Hoseok, this isn't funny! Why the hell are you laughing?" Yoongi said through tears.

" Well after you fell asleep on me last night, I took all of your homework home with me and I just did it for you." I said grinning as Yoongi's jaw dropped.

" You really did all of it for me? After I have been nothing but rude to you?" Yoongi asked wiping away the last of his tears.

" Well I saw you needed a friend and I didn't want you to be troubled with all that homework after what happened last night." I said smiling and Yoongi just looked up at me with a small smile.

" Thank you so much Hoseok. I don't know how I can make up for it." Yoongi said giving me a hug which really surprised me since I'm still not use to seeing soft Yoongi.

" I could think of a way." I said as I patted his back and he pulled away. "Well what would that be?" Yoongi asked and I just smiled as I looked down at him.

" Be my friend." I said and Yoongi just laughed and smiled at me. " I think that will work." Yoongi said and we both just laughed as we walked out of the bathroom.

I finally got Min Yoongi to agree to be my friend and I couldn't be happier.

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