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           I sighed as I closed the front door of the house behind me. The house reaked of alcohol, but at this point I was use to it.

           I was about to walk up the stairs to my room, but then I heard a loud crash from the kitchen. I slowly walked over and peaked my head through the door.

           There was my dad, a bottle as always in his hand as he stared out the window. I was about to close the door and head up to my room when a loud screech from the chair moving across the  floor made me turn around.

           " Why were you home so late?" my dad asked and I looked down at my shoes. " I walked home with a friend and I hade to wait for him at school." I said and my dad looked at me with a cold hard stare.

             " Was it that guy you brought home with you the other night?" He asked stepping closer to me. I gulped and tried not to meet his cruel eyes. " Yes" I mumbled, but not loud enough so he could hear me.

               " What was that?" He asked and he grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and slammed me against the wall. I was too shocked to speak, but still tried everything in my will power not to look at him.

                 " Answer me you faggot. Were you with that boy or not!?" He said and I winced as I finally looked at him. " Yes and we just walked home together." I said and he left go of my collar.

                " Why don't you just go over to his house, huh? Im sure he would love to see his personal slut." my dad growled and I felt tears begin to build up in my eyes.

                    " Shut up." I said and he just laughed at me. " You know its the truth. Thats all you gays do anyway. So go ahead, go give him the pleasure he wants, but keep in mind. You are not my son." my dad said and I finally had it.

                    He was about to walk back in to the kitchen, but I stopped him with my yell. " Shut up!" I yelled and he turned around instantly and punched me right in the face.

                    He sat on top of me and continued to punch me, but I sat there motionless. This was how I was treated on a regular basis in this family.

                  My mother was never here to defend me. She was always off cheating on my dad, but then again, he was cheating on her as well.

                  Everything went to shit when my brother died. He passed about 1 year ago and everything was fine until then.

                  I had great parents and an amazing brother to pretty much talk anything with, but now all of that is gone. My dad dealt with the pain by drinking and since he wasn't paying attention to my mom, she started to cheat.

                  As I started to pass out, all I could think about was my brother.


                  I woke up and I was still sprawled out across the floor. I slowly sat up and brought my hand to my forehead, because I had a massive head ache.

                   I groaned as I got to my feet and walked towards the front door and opened it. Both of my parents cars were gone and I was relieved. I didn't feel like seeing them at the moment.

                   I slipped on a black pair of converse. My brothers favorite shoes that he had for four years and refused to throw them away, claiming that they were his lucky shoes.

                   Pulling my hoodie of my head, I made my way down the street and lit a cigarette as I walked. I felt relaxed as I held it in between my fingers and watched the smoke come out when I exhaled.

                 I walked in to the cemetery and made my way over to my brothers grave. I slowly sat down and continued to smoke and tears began to fall.

                 Before I met Hoseok, this was my usual routine. I would light up a cigarette as soon as I got out of school and came to sit by my brothers grave. No matter how bad the weather conditions were, I would never miss a day.

                  The first day I ever missed was when Hoseok came over to my house to help me with homework, even though he ended up doing it all himself.

                  Hoseok reminded me a lot of my older brother. He never stopped smiling and every single person would light up when he walked in the room.

                    He was so easy to talk to and I think thats why I finally let Hoseok in, unlike everybody else, simply because he reminded me of my brother.

                    I sighed as I thought of the first day I met Hoseok. I was quick to brush him off, because he was too happy and I guess in a way, I was jealous of that.

                      I've been longing for that for a year now and seeing him be happy constantly and not a single sad expression come upon his facial features made me envous and I instantly didn't want to even look at him.

                        Then, he kept bugging me until I would actually speak to him and now I am grateful that I finally let him in. I feel better than I have ever felt since my brother passed.

                         I still am not happy, but Hoseok helps me once in awhile to feel a little joy and just a little goes far for me.

                           I don't think I would be here now if Hoseok didn't come to our school for the first day and that day could have been my last. He came on the day that I was planning on commiting suicide,  but thanks to Hoseok. I am still here living and breathing.

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