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"so i was wondering if you'd go out with me this saturday? maybe watch a movie?" kuan lin asks, as he walked casually beside saejin as she walked through the aisles of the library. "i'm not quite sure yet." she says, her mind was too occupied on the advanced calculus books she was to choose from.

"noona, noona, noona." seonho came jogging in, earning glares from the students that actually came to study.

saejin placed her index finger upon seonho's lips, pacifying him. "what is it you wanted to say?" she giggled, completely forgetting the kuan lin stood right beside her.

"i bought us tickets to the movies this saturday, see you then?" suddenly, all worries saejin had that day were wiped away, "see you then!" she chirped happily.

kuan lin rolled his eyes as seonho skipped away, "see you then." he scoffed, walking away. not wasting another word on the girl. "see you then." he mimicked dumbly as he modelled the hallways.

"kuan lin, you can be so petty." saejin giggled to herself, as she fondly watched kuan lin walk away.

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