Sam- car crash

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I think I have a thing for brits and 18-22 year olds🤦🏼‍♀️

You were driving down the freeway at night when sam Fted you.
"Hey baby." He said smiling cheek to cheek.
"Hiiii." You said cheerfully. You turned down the music when talking to him.
"This songs my jam. Turn it up!" Sam yelled.
You did as he said. You both were jamming when all of a sudden, a car swerved into you, causing your car to turn over and over. You heard sam scream your name. Your phone glitched. The car landed upside down, the music still playing. Sam was now gone. You smelt gasoline leaking out.
You couldn't help but break down and cry.
You grabbed your phone from the window, unbuckled yourself, and crawled out of the car, cutting ur arms with the broken glass on the way out.
You typed in your phone:
I know I don't have much longer to live, bc I feel faint already. To my family I love you so so so much and I hope you know that I'll be watching you from heaven giving you the best of luck. To my best friends, I love you all. Stay shining like stars. To my fans (sam read this for me), keep moving forward and I love you. To sam, baby I love you so so so much and I'll miss you. It's not your fault that this happened so don't ever feel like it was ok? I hope you know that. Goodbye to everyone else, if you know me or not. Life was fun😘
You broke down crying and layed down on the cold pavement as cars zoomed by. As you felt your soul fading, the ambulance came and sam ran out of his car straight to you. He wrapped you in his arms.
"Baby don't leave me." He started crying really hard.
"I... love... yo-" You said.
Everything went dark and you knew that your life finally ended. As you rose to heaven you heard sam scream, "Nooooooooo." And He was crying.
"Goodbye." You said.

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