Pretty Brunch

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*Edwin's POV*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I checked the time, it was 10:30. Today me and the guys were gonna go live and do a prettybrunch which we haven't done in almost a year. I decided to take a quick shower and get myself ready before everyone else since they all probably weren't even up yet.

My assumption was correct, no one was awake. I decided to head into everyones room and wake them up since we had promised the fans this and I didn't wanna let them down. Since I was already downstairs I woke up Brandon and Austin. I then hustled upstairs to wake up nick, Lauren, Emily and Zion. They were the hardest to wake up so I knew this was going to be a challenge. To my surprise tho, Emily and Zion were actually awake watching On My Block on Zion's TV.

"Lauren and Nick up?" I asked

"Not that I know of" Zion said untangling his arms from Emily's waist and getting out of bed

"Ughhhhhhhh Edwin what time are you guys going live." Emily said really sleepily

"Once all y'all decide to WAKE UP" I yelled hopefully loud enough so Lauren and Nick heard me

Emily just rolled over and went on her phone while Zion showered.

I headed into Nick and Lauren's room and like I imagined, they were all tangled together sleeping so soundly. It was actually pretty cute so I took a picture. I quickly jumped on the bed and I guess Emily followed me because she was now hitting nick repetitively with a pillow screaming "wake up"

"OW OW OW OW OW OW, GODDAMN" nick shouted

Lauren was not phased at all and she pulled nick towards her to continue sleeping.

"NO NO NO, LAUREN GET UR ASS UP NOW" Emily yelled now hitting her with a pillow

"JEEEEZZZZZ YALL SUCK" Lauren said rolling over so much that she fell off the bed

"ow" was all we heard.

"you okay babe" Nick said

"yup" she said not getting up from the floor

"uhhhh nick" Lauren said


"I need help" She said reaching for nicks hand

We all pulled her up off the floor and now everyone was finally awake. Emily headed back in her room and I headed back downstairs to watch some TV while everyone got ready

*Emily's POV*

After about 10 minutes of waking Nick and Lauren up, I returned back to mine and Zion's room to see Zion walking out of the shower in nothing but a towel wrapped around him. He purposely made intense eye contact with me, knowing what it did to me.

"Zion put some clothes on" I tried to mumble out

"Im sorry but I can't do that" He said walking over to me and pulling me towards our bed

"Why's that?" I said just laughing

Things got a little uhhhh freaky I guess you could say. After um THAT, I hopped in the shower while Zion headed down stairs to see what Edwin was up to. I took all of 15 minutes to shower. I headed out getting changed into one of Zion's shirts not realizing it was his because he literally has worn it maybe once. I let my hair airdry and I decided to go live while I did my makeup for the day.

"Hey guys!!!" I said now going live

I did my makeup how I normally do it which is pretty natural. I played some music and just talked to everyone who joined the live. I was reading some comments and I started to freeze because everyone was asking me what was on my neck. I went out of frame for a minute to get a better look and I guess Zion gave me a hickey. I popped back in and everyone was going crazy because I didn't address what this huge mark on my neck was, while everyone probably knew. Anyway I tried to cover it up as best as I could and I finally finished my makeup.

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