Chapter 1: Happiness

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"Breaking news. Pro hero, Deku is an omega?! How can this be? Omegas aren't supposed to be heroes."

"I heard Deku attended UA Academy and graduated with pro hero, Shouto. Sources say that they're mates."

"Shouto is an alpha isn't he? I think he should be the top hero, or Ground Zero."

"Agreed. Everyone knows omegas are meant for--"

Todoroki Shouto shuts off the television a little angry before closing his eyes. Being a pro hero and an alpha takes more out of him than he would like to admit. Shouto runs a hand through his white hair, holding it back while he's bed ridden with a fever due to overworking himself and letting out a quiet sigh as he grabs his cellphone. The bi-colored man waits patiently for a cheery response he always looks forward to hearing.

"Shoucchan! How are you feeling? What did the doctor say?"

"The doctor said I better take it easy for a while. It's just a fever from working too hard, I should be fine after I get plenty of sleep."

Izuku smiles to himself as he listens to his taller mate. He's the second omega in history to become a pro hero, but the only one to become the number one hero. Izuku is still a little short with wild curly hair despite being twenty-one years old, and he has not one but two mates. One is home sick and the other he's currently grocery shopping with. As of now, Deku has to take a mandatory break from hero work. Having mixed feelings over the situation at first turned into pure joy.

"I'm going to need ingredients to make Shoucchan soup. He'll need more tea leaves too, maybe I should pick up extra tissues too... maybe some fever reducer medicine too." Izuku is never fully aware of his rambling until someone points it out, like his grumpy mate, Bakugou Katsuki.

"Bunny, stop muttering like that already. It's fucking getting on my nerves." Katsuki grumbles and wraps his arms around the omega from behind, resting his hands on his lover's growing stomach.

"Ah, sorry Kacchan." Izuku blushes cutely and turns his head, placing a chaste kiss to the alpha's cheek. "I'm craving curry, I should get ingredients for that too."

Midoriya hums a little to himself and enjoys the gentle hands on his tiny baby bump, especially the lazy tender caresses. It's definitely rare receiving any affection from Bakugou, even more so in public other than holding hands when someone tries to touch the omega. Being pregnant has somehow brought out a much gentler side in the blonde which Izuku definitely enjoys.

Once the duo returns home, Izuku puts some of the bags down and instantly goes to check on Todoroki quickly (as fast as a waddling pregnant person can move). "Shoucchan? We're home."

The omega's face suddenly becomes incredibly red when the heterochromatic alpha simply lifts his shirt, pressing a tender kiss to his swollen stomach. "S-Shoucchan?"

"Welcome home," Shouto greets quietly and sits up slightly, helping Izuku into bed and kissing his forehead, "and I'm alright. I just needed a good rest."

"Jeez... you made me and Kacchan worry, mostly me."

Todoroki can't fight back the small smile forming on his face; he's unable to resist the cute pout on his omega. He just nods at the mock scolding before lowering himself slightly, resting his forehead against Midoriya's stomach. Bakugo smiles faintly when he leans in the doorway, watching fondly as Todoroki pepper their Deku's stomach with tender kisses completely oblivious to the fact that their pregnant lover is fast asleep.

"Oi, halfie. Come with me for a sec, let Bunny sleep." Katsuki calls out quietly, getting Shouto's attention before heading to their living room.

"What is it, Katsuki?" Todoroki asks softly when he sits next to the fiery blonde on the couch.

Whether either alpha will admit it or not, they've gotten a lot closer due to their love for Izuku, but they duo learned to love each other too. Bakugo drapes an arm around Shouto's shoulders, not moving when the taller alpha leans on him. He's sort of the alpha male around the house though Todoroki won't ever say it aloud or he'll boost Katsuki's ego.

"Bunny finds out the genders tomorrow and he doesn't want us there at the appointment," Katsuki starts to explain and frowns, idly stroking his mate's hair with a rare gentleness, "he's going with Sparky and Round Face. He's definitely planning something with them."

"Eh? But we haven't missed an appointment yet. I like watching our pups on the ultrasound screen..." Shouto's tone gives it away that he's pouting and sulking, "but we have to respect Bunny's wishes."

Tomorrow comes much faster than Bakugo or Todoroki would like. While they're excited to meet their twins in nineteen more weeks, they're also worried and nervous. All three of them are pro heroes, would they be able to handle being parents too? Those thoughts get pushed aside the moment their eyes land on Midoriya. Said omega is wearing an oversized hoodie that clearly belongs to Katsuki especially since it says "Hands off, Peasants", a hand knitted scarf that belongs to Shouto, and maternity sweats so there isn't a strain around his stomach.

Motherfucker is too damn cute!!

I want to keep him inside all day.

"Ocha and Denki are coming up now. You two go put on clothes." Midoriya says while blushing at the sight of both of his mates standing in the kitchen only in their boxers.

"Bunny, your red face says you fucking like seeing me and Shouto like this." Bakugo says with a smirk, loving how flustered the omega gets.

"O-Of course I do, but I don't want our friends seeing!" Midoriya sputters before thinking, becoming another shade of red and attempting to get past them.

Todoroki flashes a small grin as he wraps his arms around Midoriya from behind, caressing his stomach while placing kisses against his neck and scent gland. Izuku thinks it should be illegal for his mates to be this good looking and for their voices to be so alluring, especially Shouto when he whispers.

"Izuku, Bunny... you look so flustered. I hope you're not getting sick or experiencing withdrawals."

"I-I'm fine, Shoucchan." Izuku's breath hitches and his eyes are threatening to close.

Midoriya finally shuts his eyes and leans back onto Todoroki's chest, sighing happily when he feels noses nuzzle against his scent glands on both sides of his neck. Inhaling his mates' scents are making Izuku feel euphoric whenever they're close to him more so now because he's expecting. Shouto and Katsuki both love their omega's warm, sweet scent since it reminds them of freshly baked cinnamon buns with strawberries inside them because Midoriya is warm and sweet as well as pure, unlike the alphas.

He blushes when he feels two sets of lips on his on his neck. They move in tandem and this will always strike Midoriya as both surprising and awfully natural, not at all unlike the way they move on the battlefield. Todoroki is very calculated and deliberate, and Bakugo is purely determination and pure impulse.

These are two clashing methods and so his body is always torn between two sensations. The feather-light skim of Shouto's fingers over his lower lip and the measured mold of his mouth along the underside of Izuku's jawline; the quick, wet pecs Katsuki peppers at random across his exposed collarbone,the flittering dance of his hand down Midoriya's stomach and over his hip and the affectionate squeeze he gives there.

Izuku is caught between their bodies again—tall and lean; lithe and slight—and it is hard sometimes to tell where any one of them begins or ends, but never mistakes one's touch from the other. A breath of relief is nearly let out when the doorbell rings and both alphas reluctantly release Midoriya in order to make themselves decent.

"My heroes..." The omega greets his two friends and chuckles sheepishly.

"Izu, they were trying to eat you again?" Kaminari asks and snorts at the shy nod.

"I'll kick some ass later, we can't be late for your appointment." Uraraka glares at the alphas in question before guiding the pregnant omega out with Denki.

This is so exciting.

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