Chapter 3: Media is a Nightmare

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The sun reaches pale fingers through the window over the bed and touches Katsuki's shoulder, but he ignores it until he feels Izuku move away from him, and by the time he opens his eyes, the omega is already waddling to the bathroom. The blonde props himself on his elbow before frowning at their missing mate. Shouto usually doesn't take early shifts at his agency since he's not much of a morning person.

Bakugo reluctantly gets out of bed while the master bathroom is occupied, heading downstairs to find Todoroki looking incredibly frustrated while in his hero costume. "Oi, what the fuck is going on?"

"My father told the press about Bunny's pregnancy to get back at me for throwing him out," Shouto rarely loses his cool so it's clear how serious the situation is, "this is the third time this week. Someone must have told them something else about us."

"The only thing I can think of is someone told them the genders, but only Bunny, Sparky, and Round Face know that." Bakugo frowns as he glares out the window.

Midoriya yawns softly as he waddles down the stairs, hating how almost every step seems to knock the wind out of him. Green eyes look up at Todoroki in his hero costume and a mix of admiration and jealousy tug at his heart. He misses being a pro hero, but he's happy to be experiencing this wonderful exhausting pregnancy.

"Good morning, Shoucchan and Kacchan." Izuku greets and hears murmurs coming from their front gate.

Before either alpha could stop him, Deku steps outside to soak in some sun while going to inspect the noise. His eyes widen at the thousands of reporters pressing themselves against the gate, shouting numerous questions.

"Is Deku going to return to saving people?"

"Why haven't you announced your pregnancy?"

"Congratulations on fulfilling your duty as an omega. Are you finally stepping down from your top spot?"

"Why two mates? Wasn't one enough?"

The flooding questions are becoming more and more harsh along with the awful comments. Midoriya lets out a tiny inaudible whimper, unable to answer the reporters.

"Deku, don't listen to them! Get the fuck back inside!"

"Come inside quickly."

Katsuki and Shouto are trying to get through to Izuku after feeling and smelling the distressed pheromones leaking from their omega. Midoriya feels his head swirl as his body starts trembling, gazing at the scene in front of him and starts feeling light-headed and dizzy. He barely registers the fact that it feels like all of the blood was rushing from his head all the way down to his feet in a sudden rush. Black dots swarm his vision, the corners of his sight slowly fading into nothingness as he collapses into Todoroki's arms right when the alpha rushes to catch him.

"Motherfuckers! I'll end you! How dare you make my pregnant mate collapse?!" Bakugo growls as his pheromones leak lethal intentions in order to protect his mates.

As the blonde stomps towards the crowd of beta reporters, they quickly disperse purely out of fear. Ground Zero is the one hero everyone is warned to not anger and the paparazzi scurry to their vans as fast as they can, avoiding eye contact but all of them freeze at the brave soul who hasn't moved from the gate. It's the one alpha reporter and he stands up straight in the face of a raging Bakugo Katsuki.

"Ground Zero, will you or Shouto be taking the top spot while Deku is out of commission?"

"Deku will be returning to the field soon. No one is fucking replacing him, you hear?! Now fuck off my property!"

"Get back inside. Ignore them." Shouto's voice calls from the front door, dual colored eyes glaring at the reporter as Katsuki heads back inside.

"You're just an omega. Perform your duties or suffer the consequences."

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