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I stayed talking to Ashton out on the soccer field for about 10 minutes. There wasn't a single awkward moment, thanks to his bubbly personality and his contagious laugh which I adored. The bell soon rang indicating that we had to go to registration.

"Fuck, registration, my most hated part of the day..." Ashton mumbled, with this head down. "Why is that?" I asked, worried about whether I was invading his personal space so early into knowing him. "It's the only place I have to be and I had no choice in going there, so it means that i'm stuck in a room with a bunch of dickhead guys who do nothing but go on about how many girls they fucked at the weekend... It's so disrespectful towards girls and it's so cocky!" He groaned, shaking his head. I put my hand on his shoulder to try calm him down "Hey hey it's okay, and most of the time the girls they fuck and brag about are doing the exact same thing! Trust me, a lot of that shit happened in my old school and I can see why you're so pissed off with having to listen to it. I had to listen to my friends talking about it too" I smiled, showing him that he's not alone. He looked back at me, with a cute side grin. "Just please don't fall for them Indie, they may come across as those 'dreamy jocks' that all girls have wished for all their lives, but it's not the case with these shitheads. They will use you and throw you out like tissue paper, and you don't want me to unleash my mad karate skills on them!", he joked as he did a ridiculous impression of a karate stance. "I will steer clear of them for your safety, thanks Ashton", I laughed. "Pfft I think you mean for their safety! No problem, and call me Ash, it's less formal than Ashton" he cheered. I smiled and said "Call me Ind, kind of a pointless abbreviation for a small name but it shows that we are friends." Ashton's head shot up and displayed a look of shock and excitement. "Yay I have a friend again!" Ashton cheered as he grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. My stomach suddenly did a tiny flip and I felt my legs go as wobbly as jelly, why did I feel like this? Jesus Indie you only know him an hour and your stomach is already becoming a gymnast! He instantly realised what he was doing and let go of me and awkwardly fixed his hair and put a hand to the back of his neck rubbing it. "So.. Um... Follow me and i'll so you to registration" he mumbled awkwardly, I just smiled and toddled along behind him.

I understood what Ashton meant by these guys being dickheads, as I entered registration I was greeted by the sight of these beastly, cocky guys talking and laughing obnoxiously loud and being rowdy, throwing each other around as if no one else was there. I looked at Ashton and he just gave me a look as if to say "I told you so". I followed Ashton to a corner of the classroom where the assholes weren't taking over. As I walked past them I heard all these wolf-whistles, I just rolled my eyes at how disgusting they were being and stayed walking with Ash. "Hey babe, why are you being arrogant and ignoring us? We called you over and you just blanked us!" One of them shouted, accompanied by a few laughs from his immature posy. I looked at Ashton and I saw his jaw clench and his hands formed fists. Before he could take matters into his own hands, I turned on my heel and decided to give them a taste of their own medicine. "Hey, BABE, I didn't respond to your rather charming wolf-whistle as I am not an animal. Animals are expected to respond to wolf-whistles, not girls you dickhead. So yeah, in your hopes of sweeping me off my feet and getting the ride off me, you've actually showed me that you have fuck all respect for girls and that you see us as nothing more than a piece of meat." I shouted, Ashton taken back by my response. The asshole jocks were speechless and just turned their backs to me, instantly becoming more hushed. "You are fucking hilarious when you get mad!" Ashton laughed, gripping his stomach. "But what I said was true, they just needed someone to tell them that", I smiled, proud that I had put a group of rowdy, cocky boys into near silence. Ashton pulled out a chair for me to sit down on, then pulled out one for himself and sat beside me. "I can tell that this is the beginning of a great friendship Ind!" Ashton exclaimed as he put an arm around my shoulder. And he was right.

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