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The day went by surprisingly fast! Most classes I was with Ash, except for Art where I just basically kept to myself and concentrated on my work. I only took Art because I found that it was a great getaway from schoolwork and it was relaxing. Plus I'm pretty handy with a set of oil pastels. Ashton agreed to walk home with me today, seeing as I hadn't a clue where home actually was.

I walked out of the school door and saw a tallish blonde boy leaning against the fountain in the courtyard. He wore a Norwest uniform, the uniform of the school I used to attend, and he was talking to Ashton. I tried to slyly figure out who he was before Ash spotted me, saying his goodbyes to the boy and came sprinting over to me. "I'm so sorry that I kept you waiting, I just had to sort out some plans with a friend. Shall we?" He panted as he curtsied me in a fancy and sarcastic manor. "Oh Lord Irwin you doth know how to sweepeth a wench off her feet" I sang poshly to him. He let out a giggle and pushed me lightly. "Hey! I am an absolute pimp with the ladies you know!" He bragged as he popped the collar on his shirt. I laughed and grabbed my stomach "Oh don't lie to yourself Ash!" I winked. "Now how the hell do I get home?" He looked at the piece of paper I gave him, which had my address on it. "Looks like we are neighbours! Come on follow me!" He cheered. He skipped off and I laughed, skipping after him and not caring who saw me. I loved Ashton's cheeryness and his positivity, it put me in a good mood and he was so easy to talk to. I could really see myself becoming close with him, he could be that person who I could dance around with like a creep and not care, he could be that person who would take on any guy who ever hurt me, he could be that person I could turn to for anything. He could be the best friend I never had.

"Hey, um remember when you said to me 'Yay I have a friend again', do you not have any other friends in school?" I asked, and instantly regretting it the second the words came out of my stupid, nosey mouth. That was such a personal question! Ugh i'm such a nosey bitch.. He didn't seem put off though, surprisingly. "Oh all my friends were a year older than me, so now that i'm in my last year of school my friends are all gone too. So thankfully you came along to keep me company!" He smiled, his hazel eyes staring into mine. My god his eyes were something that could be considered a work of art. The colour of them was so attractive, with the hues of green and brown swimming together to form the beautiful hazel colour they were. I snapped out of my staring mode so I could reply to him, trying to not look like a weirdo.

"I think fate told my mom to move me to Richmond, it was destiny I tell you!" I said, shaking my finger like an old man. He laughed and smiled, "My other friends go to Norwest, you saw one of them today with me, so no I'm not a complete loner Ind", he winked at me. I let out a little laugh as we walked past my house. "This is my stop!" I said as I pulled to a stop outside my driveway. Ashton kept walking and then stopped when he realised I had come to a halt. "Aaaaand since when did your house magically turn into Macca's?" He laughed. I was confused, what was he talking about? "Um I never said it was, what are you getting at Irwin?" I winked. Goddamn Indie where is all this winking and flirting coming from?! You need to stop, you just got out of such a long relationship and you're doing this? Maybe it's a good thing... "Come on, who wants to go home when you can go to Macca's? My treat?" Ashton bribed as he motioned me over to him, with a big childish smile on his face. I couldn't resist his cuteness and his huge dimples, so I laughed and chased after him.

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