The ex boyfriend

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(Y/N)-Your name

(L-n)- last name

(F/C)-favorite color

(H/C)-Hair color

(H/L)-hair length

(E/c)- Eye color

H/l- is hair length

(F/f) - favorite food

(F/ca)- favorite cake

(N/n)- nickname

(P/n)- Pet name

(Ex/Bf)- ex boyfriends name

Honey Pov

I planned that I was going to invite the whole group and I did I was going to tell them today after the host club to day I really hope Y/N comes and I have more time to spend with her and then I can be there if she has a bad day I hope she comes and we can be together over the weekend I love her so much I can't wait for to night but I think she will bring P/n because her dad is on another business trip I love her I really do and what happened to her mom but she does have kitty~chan and so but I feel so bad. So anyway I get ready for school but when I when I didn't see Y/n it worried me but then I see her talking to this guy she look like she didn't want to talk to him but Takish said I should wait, till they are done talking but then he pinned N/n to a wall she looked mad she tried to push him off he then grabs her arm I yell at him "HEY GET UR HANDS OFF Y/N" he then laughs at me oh i'm so scared what are u going to do bite my ankles. He was way taller then both me and Y/n he then started to unzip N/n dress I then beat him up. DON'T ever mess with my baby girl I hug Y/n and zip up her dress and kiss her head how about u spend the night with me and the club she smiles and nods can I bring P/n please she say I kiss her of course N/n. I then take her to class she tells me that was her ex that cheated on her. I kiss her and she kisses back we are like this for a while then out of nowhere Tamiki yells my baby girl no making out with Honey she giggles and then asks hey honey Can I start calling u Mitsukuni or Mitsuk please? I then kiss her head of course u can call me and Takish our real names. Her eyes light up yay she jumps on me i spin her around and me then her ex boyfriend walks up to me and says her pretty boy were going to have a fight after school me and u who ever wins gets Y/n I then say ok be ready to lose I love her more then u do. He looked shocked Takish then walks up to him and says leave or else he then huffs and walks off I then head to class with Y/n she explained that she was late to school this morning that's why she wasn't in homeroom I smile it's ok ur here now thats what matters. We then get to class and send the day together and I get ready to fight (Ex/Bf) for my princess no one will have her but me and only me. He doesn't know how strong I am he just thinks i'm a little kid haha he'll get hell for hurting my princess. Even though she's my secret girlfriend and it will get out so Kyoya will tell my guest that I got sick from food poisoning. 

My sweet baby Honey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now