The Truth Prequel

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Feel free to comment and point out any mistake, I appreciate it because otherwise I would end up just leaving it and no one would understand the story or what I meant.
Anxiety's P.O.V.
I was running. Just running from my problems. That was enough new. What was new however, was the fact that my problem was that the Prince of the mind palace had discovered I exist, and was sending his guards to find and destroy me. Wasn't a prince supposed to show kindness towards his subjects? I was so focused on my thoughts that I didn't realize that someone was in front of me until I wasn't tumbling to the ground.
"Sorrysorrysorrysorry" I rush out, trying to run past them. I
"Yes, you totally need to apologize." Huh?
" I-i did. "
"Worry about it. The band's totally not Deceit."
" Wait, so your name isn't Deceit? "
" Wait, what color is my jacket? "
I was wearing a black jacket with a gray plaid pattern on it(the same jacket he was introduced wearing).
"It's totally not black."
" Oh, so your name is Deceit, and so true to your namesake you speak in lies? "
"No. And I totally don't want to know your name."
" Uh, well, my name, is, uh"
"There is a need to be anxious about it."
" That's the thing, my name is, uh, Anxiety. "
" Oh! Finally! So you're a dark side too? "
"Uh, I guess"
" Finally! I don't have to speak in lies anymore! Though I usually just use sarcasm instead. As a dark side, you have to keep up the appearance of being tough, at all times. And for the more powerful ones, we have to act like our namesake all the time. You don't though. No offense, just, Anxiety usually isn't the, uh, strongest, dark side. "
"Oh, so you can speak the truth, you just don't in front of everybody?"
" Yeah ... "
"Well you see, I'm uh, kinda on the run. From the Prince. Of the entire mind palace. Because I'm a dark side presumably."
" Oh, that's fine! You can live with me! I just, might have a secret. "
"I totally didn't expect that."
We both burst out laughing. For the first time ever, we both truly laugh.
"Wow, I've never, actually laughed before."
" I see you've taken a liking to my sarcasm. "
We laugh again.
"Well uh, you see, I can, kinda, sorta, maybe, canturnintoasnakethatcanclimbupwalls"
"Sorry, one more time but in English please?"
" I can turn into a snake that can climb up walls. And my house is on top of a cliff so... "
"I uh, might have a secret too. I kinda, have, uh,"
"Do carry on"
"Screw it, just let me show you."
" What? "
I take soft my jacket, and shirt, and let my wings come into full view, stretching them for the first time in months.
"I see we are going to get along very well."
" Yep. "
~Time skip~
It has been a year since that first day that I met Deceit. We're now both 13, as Thomas is. Though technically, I had only existed for 3 years now, it's my third birthday. Deceit turned 12 last month. He came home to a dark in the oven, (Yes I know how to cook even when Thomas Downey and I'm technically 3) a huge Happy Birthday banner, and glitter everywhere because one time he made a joke that he loved glitter, will much. I haven't told him my name yet, but I know his. He's Derek, but he still wants me to call him De. He calls me Anx. He once called me Itty, but that didn't go over very well. (I started calling him receipt) I went out for a fly today, it helps clear my thoughts and wards off oncoming panic/anxiety attacks. I went all the way to the mind palace. It's about 10 miles away, an hour long round trip. I look down and see a huge Welcome Back banner, and a parade, with the Prince leading it. I guess he's the one who's being welcomed back. Another sign says 'Welcome back from the real world Roman and friends'. He went to the real world? He met our host? And who are these friends of his? I then see the two people next to him, both wearing glasses, one with a blue polo shirt and a cardigan around his shoulders, the other with a normal black T-shirt and a blue tie. What kind of 13 year old wears a tie? Cardigan guy looks up, sees me, and shouts loud enough for me to hear "There's an angle with black wings in the sky!" Everyone. And I mean. Everyone . Stopped talking all at once, and looks up at me. Hell no! I flew out of there as fast as I could, every eye on me. What a fantastic way to spend my birthday. I arrive back home and find all the lights off. Odd, I left them on when I left. They suddenly switched on, and I saw De, standing there, holding a huge cake with 12 year old me running into him iced on the cake. The time we first met.
"Oh, my, gosh. I thought we had been like ribbed or something, or a disaster struck, I left the lights on so I knew panicked. I am still the embodiment of anxiety so..."
We both laughed.
"Sorry. Happy night's Anx!"
"Deven" I mumbled.
"My real name is Deven. You can still call me Anx, though."
"Sure thing."
We listened to what the others would later dub my "emo music" and ate cake for the rest of the night. It was nice to actually have a friend. One who accepted so for me, and understood what I was going through.
And was totally not gonna use the sarcasm I learned from him with the others.
...I really did take a liking to it.

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