Killer In The Mirror

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Virgil's P.O.V.
I take a deep breath, holding back my tears and standing up, summoning a mirror. Why do I have to horrible? I don't understand. I was made to help Thomas, yet I'm forced to hurt him because of what I am. I guess there's nothing you can really trust in when everyone hates you.I close my eyes, remembering earlier when they all surrounded me to yell at me for hurting Thomas again.
"Look out they're closing in on you now. Wake up or you'll wake up six feet down." I sing quietly, almost without my own consent. I hear footsteps shuffle slightly and I know they're outside my door, listening. "Nobody's got your back in this town." My voice changes, the dark undertone coming back "Knock 'em in the teeth now" It changes back "Out here there's no negotiation, no place to start a conversation. Before you get a taste its take" I grow louder with each lyric, embracing it as my voice changes again "Never let your guard down." And changes back. I walk forwards, throwing my door open with a sarcastic smirk.
"Wha-?" I just keep singing.
"Get back, put your hands up, kinda messed up, but it's tough luck!" I see them looking panicked and I realize it's because Thomas won't listen to them. "I'm sorry but I don't feel bad. 'Cause I know if you could switch this, you'd be dishin' out the same shit, saying 'sorry but I don't feel bad'." I storm down to the common room, letting them follow me curiously. "Now I know, there's no one I can trust. I used to think there was." I glare at them "Tell me that I'm cut-throat. I think you've got your eyes closed." I let Thomas's anxiety rise slightly, so they all can feel what I feel daily "Feel the fear! And swallow back the tears! Let weakness disappear!" I make my face blank like I've done so many times before, and their eyes widen with understanding "There's nobody but me here." I stare down at my hands as another mirror appears in front of me. "The killer in the mirror." I turn on my heel, walking resolutely into the kitchen as the echo repeats in the mirror "Where did all of the good people go?" I look to them and they bow their heads in slight shame "They hide behind the bars on windows. In hopes they can forget we're close trying to get some of what they've got. 'Cause I used to believe in justice, a place where there was better judgement" I look around in disgust "But now I'm feeling so disgusted by the have its and the have not's. Get back, put your hands up, kinda messed up, but it's tough luck. And I'm sorry but I don't feel bad for you." I glare "''Cause I know if you could switch this you'd be dishin' out the same shit, saying 'sorry but I don't feel bad'." I hop onto the counter, sitting with my legs crossed as they watch "Now I know, there's no one I can trust, I used to think there was." I point at them each "Tell me that I'm cut-throat. I think you've got your eyes closed." I increase each of their anxiety, sparing Thomas and releasing him from the worries I put on him earlier. They still don't feel half of what I do when I simply wake up, so I think it's fair "Feel the fear! And swallow back the tears!" I snap my fingers and the tear streaks, although already barely visible, vanish "Let weakness disappear!" I make my face blank once more, jumping off the counter and coming face-to-face with another mirror, the other's not appearing in it "There's nobody but me here, the killer in the mirror." I turn again as it continues to repeat, letting my voice grow darker than before "Knock 'em in the teeth, now, ever let your guard down. Get some of what they've got, have it's and the have not's. Knock 'em in the teeth now! Never let your guard down! When they step in your house" I look around, an evil smirk making it's way onto my face "Knock, knock, knock 'em all the fuck out!" I head back to the living room, staring at the TV to see Thomas seeming to be in a daze "Now I know! There's no one I can trust! I used to think there was! Tell me that I'm cut-throat! I think you've got your eyes closed!" I'm shouting now, forcing the tears in my eyes to keep from falling "Feel the fear! And swallow back the tears!" I remove their fear, barely managing to keep them in "Let weakness disappear!" I start making my way back to my room, trying to escape "There's nobody but me here! The killer in the mirror." I run straight into a mirror and turn around, heading back to find another one blocking my path "Killer in the, killer in the, killer in the mirror" They whisper as yet another appears "Killer in the, killer in the, killer in the mirror." They repeat as I start to be surrounded by the mirrors "Feel the fear!" I shout still, watching as the figure in the mirror, me, cowers back, despite me not actually doing so, at least not physically "And swallow back the tears!" Despite this a few tears slip down the cheeks of the figure, like I want to let happen but can't "Let weakness disappear!" I don't care that the others are watching anymore, especially not as the figure completely breaks down, revealing every weakness I've ever had, until they stand back up like nothing happened, a blank look on their face "There's nobody but me here." I see each one of them nod in agreement "The killer in the mirror" I see my own body, limp in a pool, hanging from a noose, bleeding out from the wrists, with a sword impaled through me, a bottle of pills in my hand, lying broken at the bottom of a cliff, and I run past them, letting them echo as I slam the door, locking myself in. I guess there really is a killer in my mirror. It's me.

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