Chapter 11

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Jessica Pov

Aaron was at the grocrey store ,Troy is taking a nap, Ashley and katie should be up in there room playing, and here i sit on my computer doing collage work. All of a sudden i here a loud THUMP. 

I threw my stuff on the couch and got up. I ran up the stairs and opened Troys bedroom door. I saw he was still there peacefully sleeping. I then shut the door and ran across the hall to Ashley and Katie's room. I opened the door to see Katie looking out the window and I can't find Ashley anywhere. "Katie baby where is Ashley?" I question her.  " Shes right there." she said while pointed out the window.

I walked to the window and saw my 2 1/2 year old splattered on the ground. " Why did she jump out the window Katie?" I ask. " Her friend Emilia told her to do it. Emilia said she would catch Ashley if she jumped out the window. So Ashley jumped out the window but Emilia didn't catch her. Thats how sissy got there." Katie explained to me. " Okay so where is this Emilia girl? " I ask her. 

She pointed to Ashleys bed but i didnt see anything. " Katie sweety where? " i asked her confused. " Right there Mommy." she said pointing at Ashleys bed again. " Katie i dont see anything " i say to her. " Oh mommy silly me. Emilia is in the closet. " she said while pointing to the closet. I walked to the closet and opened it. I saw a 4 year old ghost figure. 

My daughters are friends with a ghost. But was it just any ghost?

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