I'm Not Who You Think I Am

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I, Lance, am Altean. Yea, you heard me right. I am Altean.

I was raised in the High Council, making me almost as important as Allura in the Altean ranks.

I was brought to earth when I was three. I already had my elf ears, my bright blue marks and my hideous azure eyes.

I was then raised in Cuba, being able to pick up the language easily as I was still young.

So when I found out I could go to space with the Garrisons, I studied my altean ass off.

And I got in.


Dear Keith Kogane,

We've been way to out of touch. Things have been crazy at the Garrisons and it sucks that we don't talk that much.

But I should tell you that I think of you each night. I ponder over our rivaly and crave friendship.

I gotta tell you that life without you has been rough.

I love my parents but each days another fight. If I stop crying all night then everything will be alright.

I'll take your advice. Try to lighten up. I'll turn it around, wait and see.

But yea, I'm going off context. I miss you. I wish you hadn't ran away like that and left me to struggle and suffer even though you knew that I was looking for my family like Pidge.

We all can't get what we want though.

Sincerely, miss you dearly, sincerely me.



I had missed Keith when he ran away, he was the only one who really knew me. Even Hunk didn't know me that well and he was my best friend.

Then we found Voltron. He had changed. I had also changed. I had taken his advice. I had 'lightened up'.

So now, I'm a rebel just for kicks.

That sounds gay.

I. Don't. Have. Respect.

Rebel just for kicks.

Fuck you.

Fuck your friends.

Fuck everyone you know.

Fuck humanity.

Everyone sucks ass.

I don't mean any of this.


When I became a palidan, it was harder to hide. I found that if I hurt myself, no one could know.

"Lance, why didn't you tell us?"

But ever since the white lion chose me, everyone has been treating me differently. I became better friends with Allura, talking about Altea.

Coran hasn't left me alone. Its nice.

Shiro has been discussing alchemy with me.

Hunk and Pidge have been helping to train me.

Nothing has changed between me and Keith. And I'm glad about that.

Although, i wish he would see me for me.

I wish he could realize I like him.

Keith Kogane, I love you.

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