welcome to the end

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lowercase intended


when i was a young boy

this is the end. if you're reading this then i've done it. i have died. and should i apologize for that? no. because i'm finally with mama.

my father took me into the city

i suppose i should explain myself, i know you all must be confused. not upset. confused. there's a massive difference.

to see a marching band

i am surprised you all didn't notice the changes in me. did you care?

he said

probably not. hopefully, i died the way i wanted. by being shot out the airlock. i can see the stars then.

"son, when you grow up,"

they're all so beautiful. pidge, you would have loved to be so close to the stars. i know being in space is good enough for some people, but the stars are my home.

would you be

if you manage to find my family, keith, i want you to tell them. don't tell them i committed suicide. tell them that i died in battle or something cool like that. or you can text them. i managed to get a signal in space and made a hotspot. just, don't let them know.

the savoir of the broken?

i don't want to be a dissapointment, you know?

the beaten

i guess its time for 'private messages' and shit so here we go.

and the damned?"

to the space mice,

keep on pestering everyone, little dudes. my little brother, leo, loved animals. couldn't get enough of them, you know? i loved them two. we would always volunteer to work at animal shelters and help out with the animals.

he said

we even started to help out snails, i mean, they have feelings two.

stay squeaky.

"will you

to allura,

the feelings were always platonic. never liked you that way. you are pretty but not the one for me, you get me?

you and shiro though ;))

jk, jk, but still, i love you like a sister. thanks for helping me cover up my viltigo. it reminded me of my older twin sister, liona.

stay beautiful.

try and be nicer to the others, and don't forget to keep yourself happy and healthy.

defeat them?

to shiro,

you and allura ;;))

i ship it.

keep an eye on keith, i know he likes to train at night. pidge also stays up all night so you may need to convince her that she needs sleep. hunk also stays up and bakes so you may need to watch him.

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