i dont want to wake up

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Lance hated waking up. Ever since he was little, waking up meant if was one more day. One more day older. One more day closer to burying his Mother. One day closer to losing everything. And he hated it. He hated waking up. He hated living.

He hated himself.

Eventually, he grew so tired of it all. Not physically. But emotionally. He was emotionally drained, spiralling downwards into a black hole of self hatred.

His Escape? Music.

Lance was one for emotional and alternative music.

He liked to pour all of his emotions into his music. He was loved by his family. His sisters loved his cover of Cancer and Helena.

He did write his own songs, only he never liked to share them. Sharing his music was like taboo.

So he was massive MCR fan, what did it matter? He was still Lance....


Lance hated a lot of things. One of them being pills.

Did you know that if you overdose on pills, there's a chance that you can regurgatate (puke) them back up.

Unfortunately, you could still die like that.

Lance also hated ropes.

So why is his wrists bleeding? Blood gushing from his mouth from the pills. Why is he still throwing up blood when he is already dead? His neck is still bleeding from the tightness of the rope. His eyes are still dull. Emotionless. Why is he looking at me like that? Why does it hurt?

Why is this so painful to see? Why is this something that people laugh about?

Why is it that his death is celebrated? Surely, it should be sad, he was a palidan? Why isn't his friends sad? Is this their coping mechanism? Why isn't the Yellow one screaming in pain? Why isn't the Green one crying? Why isn't the Black one missing him? Why is the Pink one joking? Where is the Red one?

Why isnt the Orange one the only one  who isn't joining them?

And where is Red?

Shorter one because I'm running out of ideas. So i guess, its the perfect time to open up requests! Request anything you like (no smut tho, ya sinful bastards (ノ*゚ー゚)ノ)


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