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So this is gonna be in seventeen parts, all focusing on Liona's (genderbent Lance) life.
This is the first part.
The next is Dollhouse.

Selena: Shiro
Kat: Keith
Liona/Crybaby: Lance
Pidge: Pidge
Alan: Allura
Helena: Hunk
Coral: Coran
Lilliana: Lotor
Zoé: Zarkon

-Confused screaming-
WtF, seAsOn sEvEn?!
No, hElP?!?!
LanCe vOtEd kEiTh aNd kEitH voTeD LanCe?
LaCe loOkS rEaLlY dePreSsEd iN tHiS sEaSoN, nO mY bAbY-
GaLrA ToOk OvEr eArTh?!
WhErE thE fUcK iS lAncE's dAd iN aLl thIS?!
HuNk My bOY
EaRtH mAdE a pArTiClE bArrIeR?!
IvErSoN iSn't tHaT bAD?!
Lance's tape was adorable
PidGe's mOm iS lIT
I nEEd lIkE, The uSuaL tHreE tO fIvE moNtHs TO hEaL
Or mAyBe a YeAr
Im gOnnA dIe
AdAm nO
Allurance is just a rebound


My name is Liona Lex McClain. I'm just a simple girl from Cuba who somehow ended up as a Palidan of Voltron. Surprising, I know. I'm known as the Crybaby of the group, so that's what most people call me.

I'm not the smartest here. I'm not the bravest. I'm not a Leader like Selena. I'm not determined like Kat. I'm not brave like Alan. I'm not strong like Helena. I'm not geeky like Pidge. I'm not wise like Coral. I'm just a Crybaby. And honestly, who wants to be like that?

Anyways, today we have a team building exercise. I can't help but feel like its my fault. I mean, because of my bottled up feelings we would be able to form Voltron more smoothly.

Moving away from that subject, I walk into the room wearing a pastel blue beanie with 'Crybaby' written on it in pastel pink, a pastel blue Hoodie with 'Welcome to my Pity Party' on it, pastel pink jeans and converse. My hair was in two buns, my newly dyed hair (Black with neon blue at the tips). My black glasses perched on my nose.

Selena was wearing a black top, showing off her prosthetic arm. Her hair was down, curling at the tips. Her jeans
clung to her slightly buff apperal.

Kat was in her usual outfit, leather jacket and Gothic. Her pale skin seemed luminous. She is such an MCR reject, i swear to god.

Pidge was in his hoodie which had the words 'You thot wrong!' in green lettering. He had skinny jeans on and gothic boots. Not a good look.

Helena was wearing a pastel yellow sweater that I knitted for her which had 'Milk and Cookies' written on it in pastel blue. She was wearing a yellow skirt and some small chunky heels. At least someone likes the sweater i knitted for all of them.

Well, apart from Coral.

I sat on a table, putting a leg on top of the other. "So, what's the bonding exercise this time?"

Kat rolled her eyes. "Shut up, Crybaby! We're finding out right now!"

I felt the easy tears pricking my eyes like rose thorns.

"I know i seem to replace my brain with my heart, OK?! You dont need to tell me."

"Yeah, you take things so hard and then you fall apart! Thats not what we need in a team!" Kat retorted.

I tried to explain but before i could start, those crybaby tears came out of the dark.

"OK, so we're going to be looking at everyones memories so we can bond more as a team." Selena said over my crying.

My sobs ceased. 'Crap' I thought, Coral giving me a sympathetic look.

"Guys, can I not... I'd rather tell you my memories in my own time..."

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